Obamacare is a flop

VitaMan's Avatar
The promise: "This health reform legislation will require health care companies to compete in the health care marketplace, making health care affordable for all Americans."

The reality:

Toss a frog into a pan of hot water and watch how fast he jumps out.

Put him in a pan of tepid water and turn up the burner.

He'll enjoy it to his death.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Designed to fail.
yes....its a pan of tepid water.....soon to be simmering.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Designed to fail. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Right on schedule. It was also designed to be impossible to un-fuck....so, single payer...here we come!
^^^^^ Yeah.....so hear are some quotes you'll hear

-- don't worry...government to the rescue

-- no more bloated insurance companies stealing the cream

-- no more premiums

-- no more HR headaches....focus on your business

-- no more "monopolies" like Humana, MemHermann, Texas Children's

-- the doctors become "government contractors"

-- WE....the government....pay the doctors....not you

I'm not sure who they'll hire to manage it all. If it turns out to be somebody like Lockheed or Grumman....you know we're really fucked.

You know them mother fuckers are circling.

They don't know health care but they sure know how to rape and pillage the government and leave them with a smile.
It all started with "you will be able to read it after you vote for it"
oilfieldscum's Avatar
It all started with "you will be able to read it after you vote for it" Originally Posted by worldbfree
Yeah that bitch Nancy Pelosi.

What's he done that hasn't been a flop
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obamacare was designed to flop.
This was a horrible bill from day one and anybody with half a brain knew it.
The end game is/was to have the government take over and become a single payer system.

Biggest problem is that the people they are pushing this on are mostly incapable of understanding that we cannot afford the entitlement systems we have much less add another one.
^^^ This
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
What's he done that hasn't been a flop Originally Posted by tbone2u
This depends upon perspective; from his point of view he's been almost completely successful...only failing to get a carbon tax in place to further diminish the economy. The man has devoted his entire lifetime to disruption, agitation, and destruction...in these pursuits he has not flopped.

Had his presidency failed to accomplish his goals the American economy would be in much better shape than it is. Alas, the little cocksucker succeeded.
lizardking's Avatar
....so, single payer...here we come! Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Thank goodness. Why not go ahead and join the rest of the industrialized world in providing health care to our citizens?

The worry about getting the guv'ment in between you and your doctor is such bullshit. As it now stands, you have insurance companies and healthcare corporations in between you and your doctor. I'll take my chances with government incompetence over corporate greed any day. Insurance companies have fucking both you and your doctor out of money down to a science. Actually, it's called actuarial science. And it is highly effective.

The fact that some healthcare companies are raising ACA premiums in some states has gotten much attention in the press. Blue Cross Blue Shield is one of those companies. They complain that they can't make any money anymore. Do a little research. You'll see that they just split-up something like $50 million in bonuses among their top ten executives. Why, it's hardly worth keeping the doors open.

Note that law firms and accounting firms are not and cannot be publicly-traded entities. They are professions that require putting the interests of clients first, and that imperative precludes putting the lawyers and accountants in the position of having to also serve the needs of passive shareholders (i.e., corporate greed). In my view, medicine should be the same. Think about that the next time you wonder whether that $3500 MRI is really necessary.
Sarunga's Avatar
^^^This right here.

Some of you guys should live in one of those countries for a few years to realize the difference.

In the US, insurance is an art form to make money.
  • 90
  • 11-05-2016, 01:10 PM
It was the implementation of a bullshit conservative free market idea that came from the Heritage Foundation. They were trying to counter Hillary Clinton's attempted single payer proposition. Obama tried to slow health care costs because the costs were/are consuming our budget. No one else in Gov wants to deal with the real problem. So he called the conservative bluff and implement their idea...which of course they then rejected. SMH! Healthcare shouldn't be the responsibility of private business owners anyway. Business owners should only be responsible for workplace safety and workers comp...that's it. Now what??