Is your identity safe? I found a SNITCH.

I'm not exactly sure what forum I should post something like this on and I am still so baffled by the entire situation.

Yesterday on Valentines day (of all days) I had to have a very hard talk with someone very dear to my heart. A hobbyist on this website came across my pictures and was showing them to a friend who had recognized me as my real name and they pulled up my facebook account. In my life outside of the hobby world- I am very well known. I was a cheerleader in highschool so naturally I got special treatment- I'll admit it. I have a lot of friends and maintain a high volume social life. I do occasional modeling for some small swim suit brands, car shows, and events as well. Even though I prefer to spend most of my days and nights at home by myself I still make time for my friends and family because they are very dear to my heart. A lot of people know ABOUT ME but they do not know me personally and I think that is why I found all of this extremely embarrassing and honestly vindictive.

Long story short. A hobbyist on here created a face facebook account and messaged someone dear to me saying "just wanted to let you know she is a prostitute on the side" sending them screenshots of my personal website, screen shots of my reviews, and of my pictures. I have a very good idea on who it was. My context clues tells me it was obviously someone young- an older gentlemen doesnt have the time in his day or want to deal with the drama that would come out of that.

I had got it sorted out with a very long talk and lots of tears. it was a rough thing to go through and I do not wish that upon anyone (provider or hobbyist). I would hope that any potential client of mine knows that I would never jeopardize their marriage, career, or reputation by blasting them.
I don't understand why this hobbyist thinks its okay to basically blackmail me but he himself is active in this hobby and sees providers just like me! Shit, he was going to see ME! Until he realized who I really was in real life.
I value myself and MY BODY enough to put a prize tag on it saying that I am worth hundreds of dollars (and trust me I AM, look at my amazing reviews!!) then to sell myself short with a cheap dinner and a couple cocktails and have sex just because a man spent 40$ on me. I am a young woman, I am 100% independent, I'm in school full time, trying to make a name for myself and live the life I've always wanted. And I will achieve every single one of my dreams.
My website, and my showcase now are going to be under COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION and until I can meet with my photographer I might not even have any pictures up for a little while.

ladies: be careful who you see.
and as for the hobbyist who tried to ruin my life and blow my cover: I'm Adriana Marshall you son of a bit*h and I'm not going ANYWHERE. And the relationship with a dear loved one close to my heart- completely understands and we are still close as can be. She is my best friend, and always will be.

okay- rant over. excuse my french. hope everyone has a good day.
HarleyRider96's Avatar
Adriana, As I read your note I became more impressed with all the things you have accomplished in your life so far. It sounds like you really have alot of goods things going for you!!

I'm sorry a fellow hobbyist chose to do this to you or anybody. I have no idea what gets into some peoples heads and have know idea why they would act in such a manner.......but they do.

As one who is also very private about my "real life" being in here worries me at times. I have my own business, so try to be very careful about who and what kind of information I give out here. Quite honestly I believe some of my clients may also be hobbyists here.

My lack of giving out information has cost me the chance of seeing some providers (one I believe as recent as last week), but it is worth it, as yep I got that "real life" to protect!

My advice on profiles/website etc. on your pics - make sure your face and tats are not shown. On image 2 of 12 your face (and a very beautiful face I might add) is clearly shown. That should probably be revised, I think. The tattoos probably should be blurred also. That we we hobbyists know, yes you have them but possibly can't recognize you from them.

Well that's just my 2 cents worth. I wish only the best on your future endeavors! H-D 96
KingCobra36's Avatar
I'm really sorry this has happened to you. I'm happy that your friend understood and is still your friend.

I'm seeing all the threads about guys and other providers trying to out women, and reveal their secrets to their family and friend. WHAT THE FUCK DO THAT DO!!! Are you that jealous that you aren't the only one getting service from a certain provider. I mean OMFG! I'm still pretty new here but ok seeing so much bitchness here is ridiculous.

I joined this community to get my dick sucked by providers witg amazing head skills, but I look in these discussions and all I see is drama. WHY?? C'mon now y'all.

That's shady as hell, that sucks that happen to you
Like the others, I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. It's obvious that you are an intelligent individual to describe and write about it so well. The people who "out" others are small minded jerks who don't care who they hurt.

Best of luck to you.... Vic
seanj317's Avatar
This is fucking horrible. We all have a duty to protect each others privacy. Otherwise how can we function? I'm sorry to hear this sweetheart and pray the best for you.
Please notify the mods of who the hobbyist is and send them the evidence you have.
pyramider's Avatar
By all means notify the modtards and put his icky handle in Infoshare so other ladies will be informed.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
So sorry you are having to go through this. It just sucks. I am glad you are strong and continuing to be so. Good luck.
Bruce Dickinson's Avatar
First let me say, I applaud the maturity you seem to have shown in handling what I know to be an unimaginable situation to most people.

There seems to be a disturbing rash of this happening lately and I can't state strongly enough that it happens both ways and to always be careful.

Take it from some one who knows. I had been on ECCIE since the beginning, and ASPD before that. I may or may not have had thousands of posts and close to 100 reviews. The funny thing (or sad) for me was, I hadn't hobbied in almost a year, and less than a handful in the previous two years, before some morally righteous individual decided it was their DUTY to inform my family.

The only real saving grace is that most people can't imagine this world and when written out or attempted to explain, it sounds to fantastical to be real.

By all means let a mod know. Banning the dickwad who will most likely pop up the next day with a new handle may make you feel a little better but in reality they can do nothing to repair the damage that's been done.

I truly hope it all works out for you and those that love you will accept you no matter what.

Good luck and always be careful
Randall Creed's Avatar
Sorry to hear this.

What piece of shit fagtard did this?? What a fucking loser.
ManSlut's Avatar
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can post pics of themselves on Escort sites and not expect to be recognized eventually, especially if one advertises anywhere close to where they grew up. Even if you don't show your face someone could still recognize something like the Butterfly tats on the back of your legs...Who knows why this person felt the need to expose you, but if your not married or hiding this lifestyle from an SO it's best to develop an attitude of 'I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT ANYONE THINKS OF ME!'...People who don't know me or have no meaning or importance to my life, don't mean shit to me, so why should I care what they think of me...Trying to maintain a social life that involves giving a damn what people who mean nothing to me think about me is immature to me and egotistical.

Forget about what this A-hole did and why and just be you!!...

I think an overnight spiritual and emotional healing session with me would do your mind and body wonders.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Please notify the mods of who the hobbyist is and send them the evidence you have. Originally Posted by THN
If a Hobbyist: THN gives the Best advice. Also use the Powder Room.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Sorry what happened.

All of us have private lives and "fantasy" lives. They should remain separate and never meet.
Pillikari's Avatar
Please notify the mods of who the hobbyist is and send them the evidence you have. Originally Posted by THN
What evidence ?? The young lady is not for certain who the hobbyist is. Op love the tats btw. Pilli