Review: Waste of time (NCNS Nikki BangCock)

Date: 02/18/2016
Provider: Nikki BangCock
Phone: Will provide
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Irving
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Sat waiting in parking lot over an hour
Session Length: None
Fee: None
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: She sounded ok
Recommendation: No
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 02-19-2016, 04:51 PM
need contact info of some sort for review credit
majicream's Avatar
Thanks for the warning, but to make it stick, you got to tell us where you found her and provide us with a link to her ad or eccie post, BP ad, etc.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 02-19-2016, 05:03 PM
actually a NCNS; I edited the title and moved to coed
Hate when that happens.