Is It just ME? Or have the time-wasters MULTIPLIED???

I am really having a hard time understanding the self-proclaimed hobbyists who enjoy wasting a provider's time. That is just soooooo wrong. I don't know how a person can interfere with someone who is OBVIOUSLY trying to make a living.

In less than 24 hours, I have been in contact with 28 men.....via text, phone, voicemails, emails, private messages....etc. Each man requesting an appointment. (ASAP, of course). It doesn't add up. I had two successful appointments. Period.

Of course, I will be the first to say that LIFE DOES HAPPEN, and things come up.....But, if you are PHYSICALLY incapable of following thru with an appointment, or you are out of driving range to meet her, then why on earth would you continue to communicate via ten + texts, emails, etc., as if you were actually going to go thru with it????? Why?

Just because we aren't allowed to post our rates in our ads, it definitely does not mean that we don't expect to bring money home to pay our bills. Yes, I like to chit chat prior to BCD, but come on.......does foreplay need to be DAYS of endless texts and emails? and on the second day of communication, you reveal that your health won't allow any play.....which means no pay for me?

I tried explaining to my landlord the GREAT conversations I have daily with hobbyists......but, to my surprise, he would not accept that as payment. What a jerk, right?

Seriously, if I have posted an ad stating that I am available during certain times, and if you contact me during that time frame.....I am at work. I am in the "office", trudging through life just like a NORMAL job, in order to pay my bills.

I guess I am really surprised at the number of men that do is very frustrating, and makes me want to have ZERO communication prior to meeting someone....just in case they are timewasters as well.

Does this happen to any other providers? Any suggestions? 28 guys in 24 hours had me HOPPING on the phone, and ended up being a waste of time.

Hobbyists, how do you think this would go over.....

Say that a Provider posts and you contact her and there are MULTIPLE emails or texts.....and you are looking forward to your playtime.....when, all along, she KNOWS that you will NEVER get into her pants. Would you feel like she wasted your time?

Just curious. And please note that I am FULLY aware that all men are not the same, I just want to know about the TIMEWASTERS. If you just want to chat/email, try Free dating site. But, guys, if you contact a provider, please do not forget that she has to pay her bills.......and if you are playing games, there is NOTHING right about that!!!!

Okay, I got that off my chest. I hope that everyone knows that I may be coming across a little grumpy......and that is because I AM A GRUMP when I don't have my playtime!
Just my $0.02.
Sometimes stuff happens. Hey look at it like this at least you had interest. Some providers had zero contact. Also, you did seal the deal with 2. Some guys just need to feel real comfortable before making the jump. If I were you, I would not dismiss that email nor text nor call so readily. It's kind of like marinating a steak. Give it time and so when it is grilled Viola and that steak might stay with you for a very long time.
Might be a comfort level, texting you, emailing you a lot. That being said, you're not making money texting and emailing...I want to just make the appointment and get there!
I totally understand you paigemorrow that happens often
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
Happens all the time to me... I don't text or answer email... I make them call me. I think its better that way you can kind of feel ach other out that way better smell the bs better. Im sure i miss out on some but ever since i stopped email and text t happens alot less.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Life hasn't gotten any simpler, and it happens to everyone. A young provider friend of mine was planning to come over for a photo shoot right about now, but her babysitter didn't show. Not a real problem for me although I'd still love to shoot her when/if I get the chance. Of course, I can understand that it's more frustrating when it affects your livelihood rather than just your hobby, just using it as an example.

Hang in there and know that the only one you can really rely on is you.

Guest091314's Avatar
I get that alot...recently I have started doing the if there is more then 3 unnecessary emails and I do not feel that it is going anywhere, I simply stop answering. May sound mean but I cant stand e-tag!
pmdelites's Avatar
if i were a provider, i'd asked for screening info and wouldnt continue any in-depth communication until a) they provided the info and b) i'd gotten the responses back from the women they reference. i might reply and let them know where i was in the process, a ref to my website about my hrs and consulting fees, and general location. but that's it - no chit chat, no emails, no texts, no calls.

if the guy isnt willing to provide that info - does not pass go, does not collect $200 to come see me. if his info and refs dont pan out - ditto. i would tell him why he's not passing go.

if you are communicating w/ him w/out that screening, you might want to ask yourself why you are engaging in that when the probability of seeing him w/out that info is 0%.

unless it really is just about money, then do what you want to get it.

p.s. unless i ask [and i am pretty damn sure i wont] a provider what she is going to do w/ or what she needs her consulting fee for, i dont really want or need to know. that IS NOT part of the illusion of passion i am after.
I understand.

I just shorten my communication until they are standing right in front of me. I do enjoy a little get to know you email or text, But after so many. Its a waste of time.

I guess I am a straight to point kinda gal.

I find the serious guys do not send numerous texts, emails, or call me. I guess they are straight to the point kinda guys.

Im sorry you had to go thru that pretty lady. I hope it gets better for you.

Many hugs to you.
I think it happens more on IM.

And probably with texts - but I've not got a hobby phone at the moment - so I plan on it not being a "problem" for a while. My number is a thing to be respected and not some giant nipple for a virgin to toy with trying to get hard.

I'd be irritated about the texting - that chit can cost $ and can become VERY time consuming. (have you sent a thoughtful reply on an iphone or blackberry - God forbid a non qwerty phone? Takes a whole lot longer than typing 60+wpm on a laptop)

I think I'm gonna be feeling these situations out better myself. I was being "nice" since I've just returned and some folks want to catch up just a bit or some folks don't know me or know my reputation. Well, I guess it's time for me to start to really re-establish it again. Too many non-screened guys gettin off off of our conversations. (well, alot of it probably had to do with me being a total horn dog and then some - since I hadn't gotten laid in forever....but now that it hasn't been years of neglect, I can think a lot clearer now.)
pmdelites's Avatar
... My number is a thing to be respected and not some giant nipple for a virgin to toy with trying to get hard.


I think I'm gonna be feeling these situations out better myself. I was being "nice" since I've just returned and some folks want to catch up just a bit or some folks don't know me or know my reputation. Well, I guess it's time for me to start to really re-establish it again. Too many non-screened guys gettin off off of our conversations. (well, alot of it probably had to do with me being a total horn dog and then some - since I hadn't gotten laid in forever....but now that it hasn't been years of neglect, I can think a lot clearer now.) Originally Posted by tntangie

the bolded text is just priceless. it should go in your sigline :^)

wrt the 2nd paragraph, i can see it's a dilemma - talk to build up interest or not talk and miss out of a few consulting appts.

the women who really know how to do this are absolutely fantastic, whether i've visited them or not, whether i clicked with them or not. it takes a lot of energy [physical, sexual, mental, emotional] to be a provider and i give all of them their due recognition and accolades.


ferdburf's Avatar
I am self-employed, like you, and my time was booked solid last week, promising to be a very busy and lucrative week. After the cancellations for various reasons, I wound up with maybe six hours of billable time and production for the entire week. My point: Unless you are employed (and therefore earning less than you're worth, in most people's minds), you have to remember the old adage, "Some days chicken, some days feathers."

Oh, and after last week, I DO feel the same way you do
LovingKayla's Avatar
Psst.... Personal assistant. That's the short answer. There will be plenty of guys that will say "Oh no, I'll never see someone that has an assistant because I lose that personal contact with you."

The reality is far from what those few guys might say. Your life will open up in ways, you've not seen since the days of carefree living when there were no kids or responsibilities. There is this magic protective Zero water filter that only lets the best water through to water your life. Instead of messing with 500 calls a week from guys that just want to jack off to your voice or try and make friends with you so they can get free pussy, all you have to do is put 100% of your hobby effort into the wonderful person that hits your door.

I just can't tell you ladies how fing awesome it is to have that protection in place. Especially if you have an experienced screener that protects you like her own family.

Your time is used much more effectively.

You no longer have to deal with all the garbage yourself... or at all really.

Your calls and emails are returned WHILE you are in session.

Your phone is respected because guys know it's meant for one thing only.

The clients that see you get an even better experience because you're not worried about all the back log that's happening every second you're in session. That session is the most important thing in your life that moment and it shows.

The better quality guys DO make it through to you and will probably appreciate the professionalism in having the assistant.

If you have a stalker that keeps threatening you with cops or cps or anything else, their efforts are thwarted because you have a protector... especially if you have one that you are afraid may send really bad people to harm you (I know someone that has this problem and her assistant makes her life so much better.)

I didn't really mean this to be an ad for an assistant but it's like winning the lottery, I have to tell every person I see.

I have a reference to one if any provider thinks they want their life back with no hobby stress.

(Disclaimer: Yes I know an assistant is not 100% protection from bullshit. You must still stay vigilant, but not paranoid.)
Guest091314's Avatar
Psst.... Personal assistant. That's the short answer. There will be plenty of guys that will say "Oh no, I'll never see someone that has an assistant because I lose that personal contact with you." Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
When I had a PA my life was so much easier but she was my most expensive bill every month...i had to let her go for awhile and now she has fallen off the radar.
I had the pleasure of seeing and hope to again in the future