HoustonRiley's Avatar
Long time no see what's new....
mtabsw's Avatar
Got excited for a second - thought you said what's NUDE...

Welcome - hope you enjoy the town.

ps - you could post a better picture - or send me a new glasses prescription
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
I looked once, then twice, and then one more time.
First time, it was annoying out of focus.
Second time, I realized she's really cute.
Third time, I admitted to myself...self, this lady is hot!!

So, maybe take a couple of more looks, the blur may not be an issue when it comes to deciding to see her.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
You should have taken a fourth look and thought to yourself why wouldn't a grandmother have her face on here.... You don't have your face here...... for the same reason I don't have mine..... its simple, Privacy and discretion. Any gentleman that doesn't understand that is not a gentleman for me. I have a spotless all yes reputation on any site that you can find my name on. P411 Gents and onlyfans Gents can see my face and body unblurred. Then here you are complaining that my face is not on this public website that has been hacked multiple times... And then as soon as I say hello after not coming for a year to my home state, you decide to jump on here and attempt to ruin my trip by questioning my looks, after 15 years off and on in the hobby. ALl yeses from day one till today. My credentials and reputation speak for itself.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

I looked once, then twice, and then one more time.
First time, it was annoying out of focus.
Second time, I realized she's really cute.
Third time, I admitted to myself...self, this lady is hot!!

So, maybe take a couple of more looks, the blur may not be an issue when it comes to deciding to see her. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
mtabsw says you could post a better picture.

I reply to his comment saying that you look hot! And that the blur doesn't disguise that, and is not an issue when deciding to see you.

I say nice things about you, and your reply to me is...???
2balls75's Avatar
He only asked for a clearer picture, not one of your face. Because of this bitchy attitude, you’re a NO for me. Wait, i’m getting a communication from NASA. Houston, you have a problem. Lol. Good luck Grandma
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
You should have taken a fourth look and thought to yourself why wouldn't a grandmother have her face on here.... You don't have your face here...... for the same reason I don't have mine..... its simple, Privacy and discretion. Any gentleman that doesn't understand that is not a gentleman for me. I have a spotless all yes reputation on any site that you can find my name on. P411 Gents and onlyfans Gents can see my face and body unblurred. Then here you are complaining that my face is not on this public website that has been hacked multiple times... And then as soon as I say hello after not coming for a year to my home state, you decide to jump on here and attempt to ruin my trip by questioning my looks, after 15 years off and on in the hobby. ALl yeses from day one till today. My credentials and reputation speak for itself.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
Really? His comment ruined your entire trip? Out of all the things in this world that could go wrong on a trip, that ruined it and destroyed your reputation and credentials?
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
Damn guys, the heat making you cranky or what.

Riley is pretty and a hell of a lot of fun.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Damn guys, the heat making you cranky or what.

Riley is pretty and a hell of a lot of fun. Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc
That's what I was saying, after viewing her out-of-focus photos.
"Second time, I realized she's really cute."
"Third time, I admitted to myself...self, this lady is hot!!"

Heat doesn't make me cranky. It's just a Texas summer. I love it here and will never move.

Maybe the heat made her hit the wrong target when she flamed me...for giving her compliments?!

Pretty? Even with blurry photos, I can see that. And I said that.

Lots of fun? Guess she hasn't flamed you yet, cuz that ain't no fun, was not warranted, followed by no apology.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
No... a newbie thats been here for 2 years has not ruined my trip at all. And his comment hasnt ruined my reputation or credentials.... i dont read that anywhere in my text. You said that not I
Really? His comment ruined your entire trip? Out of all the things in this world that could go wrong on a trip, that ruined it and destroyed your reputation and credentials? Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Not once did he ask for a clear picture. HE COULD HAVE THOUGH. Making a statement about my pictures not being clear is what he did. Which is quite ignorant. He's brand new to the Hobby, hws got 2 years on eccie, give me a break. . He's a baby. And clearly has absolutely no clue what it takes as a female provider to be in this Hobby to be independent. To any CUSTOMER whom doesn't comprehend why a female in this hobby might want description/privacy, youve probably seen way more managed hoes than you realize, with that train of thought....as theyre the opposite of private theyre usually public prostitutes. Everybody is not a public prostitute, and men that will treat all providers like they must be a public prostitutes to hobby are not the men for me. I have been part-time for 3 years and do just fine, where you see bitchy plenty of gentleman see....

I have been in this industry so long I have earned the right to talk shit right back to men like you in the hobby... I am not the actress who is going to bite my tongue to get your money.
Do yourself a favor, try to be a gentleman For once in your life. And just do not comment anything negative at all on any woman's post. How hard is that.... too just show some respect for the blood sweat and tears that we give as women just to provide this hobby to you.... thanks

He only asked for a clearer picture, not one of your face. Because of this bitchy attitude, you’re a NO for me. Wait, i’m getting a communication from NASA. Houston, you have a problem. Lol. Good luck Grandma Originally Posted by 2balls75
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Thank you I really appreciate that.
Damn guys, the heat making you cranky or what.

Riley is pretty and a hell of a lot of fun. Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Just to be clear, are you upset at mtabsw, who said "ps - you could post a better picture "

Or are you upset at TexomaCowboy for the reply to mtabsw, telling him that "being our of focus" is only an ititial observation. With subsequent viewing, he would notice "she's really cute", and "this lady is hot!"

"Riley is pretty and lots of fun" gets a Thank You.
"she's really cute", and "this lady is hot!" gets scorched-earth.

Nothin' wrong here at all.