Just MORE Election Fraud by Democrats

berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.

Kari Lake and President Trump are not the only victims. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere


rmg_35's Avatar
More bullshit. Still complaining whining and bitching and the 2020 election. Totally pathetic that you can't see the fact the tRump lost over 60 court cases. Kari Lake, another election denying piece of shit can't prove any of her bullshit lies either, you have zero proof either, but you keep posting bullshit and lies constantly from the radical far-right extremist media and asshole people's lying-ass Twitteraccounts.
berryberry's Avatar
More bullshit. Still complaining whining and bitching and the 2020 election. Totally pathetic that you can't see the fact the tRump lost over 60 court cases. Kari Lake, another election denying piece of shit can't prove any of her bullshit lies either, you have zero proof either, but you keep posting bullshit and lies constantly from the radical far-right extremist media and asshole people's lying-ass Twitteraccounts. Originally Posted by rmg_35
It is clear that you can't handle the truth.

So you are saying the black Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is lying about the massive election fraud he discovered in their primary elections

And you are saying his statement that "We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines" is a lie?

Did you even bother to watch him speak. We know the answer, NO. You only read DNC approved news sites that brainwash gullible leftists

Oh and another thing - Trump did not lose over 60 court cases. You are your fellow leftists keep repeating this lie. Nearly all of those cases were dismissed for standing and other technical issues. The evidence was never heard at trial
rmg_35's Avatar
He's a fucking lying asshole just like tRump and Lake. He had produce no evidence, just lies and bullshit. He lost the election with the winning candidate getting 63% of the vote. The whole thing is complete and utter bullshit. You are just grasping at straw to try to find any bullshit on the net or Twitter that tries to prove the tRump is telling the truth. tRump is lying about everything about election fraud, yet like this asshole has yet to prove any evidence. And yes tRump was unable to prove any evidence in over 60 court cases of voter fraud and all cases were dismissed...aka loses.

So it's very clear and has been very clear for over 2 and a half years that you and the maga radical far-right extremist can't handle the truth.
No evidence. None. Just half-baked conspiracy theories (Staff edit)

Zero evidence. Can't handle the truth. CONFIRMED!
He's a fucking lying asshole just like tRump and Lake. He had produce no evidence, just lies and bullshit. He lost the election with the winning candidate getting 63% of the vote. The whole thing is complete and utter bullshit. You are just grasping at straw to try to find any bullshit on the net or Twitter that tries to prove the tRump is telling the truth. tRump is lying about everything about election fraud, yet like this asshole has yet to prove any evidence. And yes tRump was unable to prove any evidence in over 60 court cases of voter fraud and all cases were dismissed...aka loses.

So it's very clear and has been very clear for over 2 and a half years that you and the maga radical far-right extremist can't handle the truth. Originally Posted by rmg_35

... Quit yer cryin' - THIS has nothing to do with Trump.
This has to do with David Archie and Hinds county
in Mississippi. ... WHY do you post - if yer NOT gonna
address the thread topic??

#### Salty
No evidence. None. Just half-baked conspiracy theories (Staff edit)

Zero evidence. Can't handle the truth. CONFIRMED! Originally Posted by tommy156
... Oh Dear! ... (Staff edit)
How sad...

... The fellow who lodged the complaint is David Archie.
He's NOT a Republican - HE'S A DEMOCRAT!

And .. uh... YOU might wanna go take a GOOD look at him.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Quit yer cryin' - THIS has nothing to do with Trump.
This has to do with David Archie and Hinds county
in Mississippi. ... WHY do you post - if yer NOT gonna
address the thread topic??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sadly Salty with some leftists they are so consumed with hatred for President Trump, they try to hijack every thread and turn it into more of their Trump bashing. It really is quite sad to see

... Oh Dear! ... (Staff edit)
How sad...

... The fellow who lodged the complaint is David Archie.
He's NOT a Republican - HE'S A DEMOCRAT!

And .. uh... YOU might wanna go take a GOOD look at him.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
How consumed with hate must one be to make derogatory racial remarks here?

And it is quite telling that the story was about a DEMOCRAT exposing fraud in his election - but leftists have been trained by the DNC to ignore all evidence of fraud, even against one of their own. It really is pathetic how the DNC has brainwashed some leftists
There hasn't been a single bit of fraud exposed. None. Zero.

trump lost. By 7 million votes. Over 2½ years ago. CONFIRMED!
rmg_35's Avatar
... Quit yer cryin' - THIS has nothing to do with Trump.
This has to do with David Archie and Hinds county
in Mississippi. ... WHY do you post - if yer NOT gonna
address the thread topic??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The ones that need to stop crying, bitching, and complaining are the magas that still to this day are unsuccessfully trying to prove that there was election fraud and tRump won. They can present zero fact and have absolutely no proof to the bullshit they keep trying to present.

As far as addressing the thread, I did, you need to read the thread from the beginning. The original message started with David Archer and Hines County then tried to tie it into what happened with tRump and Lake. This is just another bullshit attempt to claim election fraud and side with tRump and his asshole election deniers.

It doesn't matter election denying bullshit comes from Republicans or Democrats, because David archer, like tRump and Lake is a election denying lying ass piece of shit and his bullshit needs to be called out. Just like tRump and Lake... there is no election fraud.

The election denying maga need to stop there crying and bitching.
Yeah, let's get something absolutely clear, nobody is crying more about nonexistent election fraud than conservatives.

Time to move on. 2020 was a long time ago. They lost.
eyecu2's Avatar
I watched the clip link, and while there is insinuation and allegations " we got the proof, and we are gonna present it". I don't believe those bits of proof have yet to be presented. Actually sounds a lot like the dog whistles of Rudy Guliani prior at the 4 seasons. The posting says there is cheating, but yet it's at the allegation level, not the proof level or even offering of some of the substantiation of evidence. Not saying they don't have it, BUT they haven't yet produced it for consumption.
I watched the clip link, and while there is insinuation and allegations " we got the proof, and we are gonna present it". I don't believe those bits of proof have yet to be presented. Actually sounds a lot like the dog whistles of Rudy Guliani prior at the 4 seasons. The posting says there is cheating, but yet it's at the allegation level, not the proof level or even offering of some of the substantiation of evidence. Not saying they don't have it, BUT they haven't yet produced it for consumption. Originally Posted by eyecu2
They don't have anything. If they have evidence, what the fuck are they waiting for? They're about 2½ years too late. Translation = Nothing 🍔
berryberry's Avatar
I love it.

Leftists are so triggered knowing there was election fraud in 2020 and 2022 that when a black Democrat calls out the same type of election fraud in his race, they attack him too.

This is what you call being brainwashed by the DNC. How pathetic is that?
rmg_35's Avatar
I love it.

Leftists are so triggered knowing there was election fraud in 2020 and 2022 that when a black Democrat calls out the same type of election fraud in his race, they attack him too.

This is what you call being brainwashed by the DNC. How pathetic is that? Originally Posted by berryberry
Being brainwashed is somebody that keeps complaining with zero proof of election fraud. The only thing being attacked is jackasses that scream election fraud when they can't produce any proof. Doesn't matter what side of the aisle they are on. It's bullshit and needs to stop and the assholes need to be called out. Not producing a shread on credible factually evidence for 2 and a half years but keep whining, crying, and bitching is beyond pathetic.

The triggered far-right conspiracy theory maga extremist will keep will not stop there mindless moronic pursuit of election fraud. Again, beyond pathetic.