What happened on Oct 7 one year ago was horrific. Israel's response? Genocide and state-sponsored terrorism..

I don't defend Hamas for a single microsecond. what they did was a war crime of the highest order. But Israel's response? disproportionate doesn't even scratch the surface. war crimes in black and white. netanyahu and his whole far right likud cabinet-save only 1 or 2 ministers-should be indicted and tried in the Hague, like tomorrow..

and we're covering Israel's back, and sending troops there? total insanity. time to cut Israel loose and wish Netanyahu good luck. what in God's name are the Biden/Harris admin even thinking?

course Trump would just say, fuck it. let's just bomb the Hague instead, and nuke the whole Middle East, save only the Saudis..

need i remind you that 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis? you want to know who the real Islamic State is? ya it's not Isis; it's fucking Saudia Arabia, a bunch of effing pervs who treat women like children and 4th class citizens. and that's the only country-led by a bone-saw murderer who founded the Bone Saw Murderer Golf Tour-that Trump wouldn't nuke, because, let's face it, Trump is enfatuated with despots and shiny things-course the Saudis make their toilets out of gold while the Palestinians suffer as bad or worse than the Jews during the Holocaust..

of course, all of this makes perfect sense, and American blood should be spilled and American treasure expended to support the Fascist Netanyahu's war on basically the better part of the Mideast..
  • Tiny
  • Today, 07:19 AM
Except for the verbiage, what would a Trump administration have done differently from the Biden administration? Not much. There’s strong bipartisan support to arm and fund Israel. Unfortunately the neoconservatives in both parties still control our foreign policy and purse strings.