Lost: Season 6

MacGeek's Avatar
I've been waiting a long time for the final season! For all LOST fans the first episode airs February 2nd. Anyone else looking forward to this date??

(Enjoyed seeing this promo poster based on The Last Supper.)

kcbigpapa's Avatar
HELL YES!!! And not just for Evangeline Lilly (Kate), but the show is great and I am looking forward to seeing how they wrap up the show.
Dieing for this to start! It's the only show I make a point to watch as it airs. Everything else goes on the DVR and I get to it when I can. But not Lost!
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 01-24-2010, 06:47 PM
This show used to bore the hell out of me, but ever since they decided to end the show it has really picked up steam and become interesting again. Last season's finale was good TV. DVR is already set!
Badboy_71's Avatar
Yeah, the various plotline changes were weird upon weirder upon weirder. After a couple of levels of weirdness, I was beginning to tire of it. Now I'm ready to get some closure on the series.

I do wonder what will happen to the cast. Hurley could go on to do movies with Seth Rogen. Sawyer could do a detective drama where he works alongside his father, played by Don Johnson. Locke could return to The Stepfather franchise--this time he could kill the stepfather. Any other ideas?
MacGeek's Avatar
I'm also wondering how they will wrap everything up....but, I'm afraid, even after that do try to "explain" it all it still won't make sense! LOL!!
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I will go batshit crazy if they screw us over and give it a St. Elsewhere ending.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I'm going with the Apollo and the floating island of Delos theory.
Badboy_71's Avatar
It kind of makes me wonder what would have happened if it cancelled around season 3. Aside from riling up the fans, it would've been much more legendary. The last couple story arcs are about as flawed as Star Wars' second trilogy experiment: still interesting, but definitely waning.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I'm going with the Apollo and the floating island of Delos theory. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
BM, please go into more detail.

I remember thinking before that Locke was somehow a religious icon...Jesus if you will. The picture posted by MacGeek makes me believe it may be true with Locke sitting in Jesus' chair at the Last Supper. I also thought of Jack's dad, Christian, as God. With the name Christian, it helps to play into that theory. I always thought as Linus as being Satan. Of course, I need to watch all the seasons again as I am sure my theory is full of holes.

Any other theories on the show?
Badboy_71's Avatar
IMHO, I think the writers successfully came up with their "lightbulb in the briefcase" (think Pulp Fiction). They came up with enough mystery and suspense that gave the storyline a life of it's own.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
BM, please go into more detail.

I remember thinking before that Locke was somehow a religious icon...Jesus if you will. The picture posted by MacGeek makes me believe it may be true with Locke sitting in Jesus' chair at the Last Supper. I also thought of Jack's dad, Christian, as God. With the name Christian, it helps to play into that theory. I always thought as Linus as being Satan. Of course, I need to watch all the seasons again as I am sure my theory is full of holes.

Any other theories on the show? Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
The "Apollo Candy Bar" is the only item of food that is not contained or wrapped in a black and white Dharma Initiative covering, and is therefore not made by Dharma, but a business partner.
Apollo Candy Bars are found in the Swan. This also has relevance in mythology. Look at this quote: "Sacred to Apollo are the swan (one legend says that Apollo flew on the back of a swan to the land of the Hyperboreans, he would spend the winter months among them)"
The Swan is not the only reference: the Statue seems to date to the Greco-Roman times, just around the time of Apollo. This statue may be a tribute to him, later destroyed by the movement of the Dharma Initiative. The Hyperboreans, moreover, were - according to Julius Evola - the inhabitants of Atlantis, and this could be a proof of the Lost Continent theory.
It was the candy bar that Boone offered Shannon in "Pilot, Part 1".
Apollo's mother Leto gave birth to Apollo on the newly created floating island of Delos, which was neither mainland nor a real island. The island was surrounded by swans. This links back to the idea of the island being "mobile" and also it is another link to the swan.
Also, on the island of Delos, I believe no child was allowed to be born there once Apollo had been born there. Artemis was later brought there, but only Apollo was actually born on Delos.
Ben and Hurley shared an Apollo Bar while waiting for Locke to emerge from Jacob's Cabin in "Cabin Fever". When he came out he announced that they must move The Island to save it.
There's something extra in them, nutrition-wise or something having to do with DHARMA experimentation. Maybe a longevity agent or something that alters behavior. It causes people to see things or hallucinations. This Theory can be supported.
Kate ate a Apollo Bar and saw a horse a few days later.
Ben ate a Apollo Bar and saw his Mother sometime later.
Hurley ate a Apollo Bar and saw Dave a few days later.
I read somewhere that during one of the ARGs, the head of the Apollo candy company was revealed to have been involved with psychotropic drug research, but I can't find the source right now. Still, would explain the hallucinations.
From The Lost ExperienceIn Greek Mythology, the oracle predicts the future, and after a certain number of oracle bars are found, Alvar's location will be predicted. This fits with the Greek mythology theme of The Lost Experience, with Apollo and Persephone.
Apollo Bars are made with an unknown contaminant. Rachel Blake, who is in fact apart of the Hanso Foundation and a traitor, informs the public of Hanso's "Plan", builds and organizes a resistance of those who oppose the Hanso Foundation and uses that trust to direct them to get the Apollo bars. "Once enough people have uploaded, the 'Truth' will be revealed"... Apollo Bars are being used by Hanso as a vehicle to infect the population.
Given Dr. Hackett's involvement with Apollo, the candy bar could be a delivery system for some sort of drug which keeps hatchlings compliant.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Just watched last season's finale. Wow, I've forgotten so much of what happened. I cannot wait until the season premiere.
MacGeek's Avatar
I've had last season's finale on DVR since....well, since the end of the last season! I'm gonna watch it tonight to review what went on before I watch Tuesday's premiere.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I've had last season's finale on DVR since....well, since the end of the last season! I'm gonna watch it tonight to review what went on before I watch Tuesday's premiere. Originally Posted by MacGeek
It really makes me think my theory was crap.