glen beck

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
any thoughts on this guy
Bartman1963's Avatar
Glenn Beck gets paid to be an entertainer. He appeals to the same group that Quittah Palin and Rush Limbaugh appeal to. The Wingnuts. I laugh at his BS most of the time. If he wasn't so ignorant maybe he would be dangerous. Like my dad used to say "If knowledge was dynamite he couldn't blow his nose."
dirty dog's Avatar
For every Beck, Linbaugh and you have Keith Oberman and Bill Mair. They have a view point they believe in and a platform to speak it. As for Bartmans comment, believe me that could be said for all of them on both sides of the fence.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
no no this not a left or right this this dude and is crazy with his chalk board.
Omahan's Avatar
This thread is not going to last long if you just use it as an opportunity to insult each others heros.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Cheaper, I you may have a point. With the crying, the chalkboard, the misspelling, (and it aint a blog, it's TV for Christ's sake),and even stating some show that "Lincoln is acknowledged by historians to have been a poor public speaker". Whatever his agenda, he is uniquely full of crap.
In a new Esquire article he even says he doesn't care at all about the political process. Uh yeah, sure he doesn't...
Bartman1963's Avatar
Omahan, I'm probably just barely hanging on anyway, but I hope folks have better sense than to have some guy who compares himself to Gandhi as their hero.
john_galt's Avatar
Okay, you've made your snarky little personal remark but why don't we try to talk about the message and not the messenger.
Glen Beck was compared to Bill Mahr and Olbermann but look at what they say; Mahr says things like "Reagan is crapping in a diaper", "Americans are just too stupid to elect the right people". Proof? He doesn't need any to vent his spleen. Beck talks about the US Constitution and the beliefs of the founding fathers. He backs up what he says with experts and the actual words of those involved. Maybe saying the pledge of allegience or praying makes you feel funny. It is hard if not impossible to reject what the sources say.
Olbermann? a sports guy and nothing more (really less than nothing). Not that sports people are stupid but look at some of the questions they ask, "Can we talk to the donor to hear how he feels about it?" When doctors announced a successful liver transplant for Micky Mantle. Olbermann can't be bothered with facts or rational thinking.
So what does Glen Beck say?
The founders did not want a democracy. true! They considered it mob rule but dressed better.
This is a representative republic with the rights of the minority (and I don't mean racial, sexual, or whatever minority) protected by the constitution. Right now the conservatives are a minority (but we're growing) and they right to be heard is being attacked by the administration and media. Even their legislative rights are being trampled on by people like Pelosi who won't even let them in the room to express their concerns.
Beck is worried about the country. Isn't everyone?
He is preaching non-violence (like MLK jr.), he is preaching the legal constitutional process (unlike Olbermann who wanted someone to kill GW Bush).
For those of you who follow politics and consider yourselves democrats; ask yourselves if this kind of lying, oppression, and corruption is what you think politics is all about. If you think that the ends justify the means then your soul is already lost. Try to get a refund.
dirty dog's Avatar
Bartman, this was what I was talking about in my other statement, Oberman is just as out there as Beck, Beck just have a larger viewing audience. I acknowledge that Beck is out there but I also can say that about Oberman or Mahr. The fact that you cant shows exactly what is wrong with this country, everything for your side is right and justified and everything for the other side is wrong. We have got to quit this us or them mentality in this country.
We have got to quit this us or them mentality in this country. Originally Posted by dirty dog

Statement of the decade.
Bartman1963's Avatar
The message is bullshit in a tortilla. It's not worth my time.

Go ahead and think of Glenn Beck as some kind of deep conservative intellectual. He is not. He is an entertainer, doing an show. He is not preaching the constitutional process he is preaching a version of the Constitution that he believes will sell. He is not an ideologue, he is a prostitute, and not the good kind.

The right of the minority to be heard is being attacked? Only to the paranoid, Sir. If one critiques those in power, those in power have a right to respond. That is not an attack it is a response. An attack would be one of the following; Has Fox News had any sudden trouble with the FCC? Has Rupert Murdoch has sudden trouble with the IRS? Has Beck?

Bill Mahr makes no pretense at being an expert. He also is an entertainer. He states his opinion and argues his point. Sometimes its funny. Sometimes it's offensive BS. He gets paid for the funny.

Glenn Beck is quite properly labeled as exactly what he is, an entertainer. If you take him or Mahr seriously that is your personal choice.

Countdown with KO is a news program with commentary. Personal, well thought out commentary. That commentary is not passed on as fact. It's up to the individual to choose to believe or listen to the commentary. In that commentary, I never heard one single iota directed at wanting the death of Mr Bush. I heard KO state that Bush should resign, call him a totally shitty President, and specifically call him out on the lies and misrepresentation of his policies to the Nation numerous times. But never call for his death.

As to souls, see to your own and you'll have enough to keep you busy.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Dirty, again I agree with some of what you have said. I don't think it's us or them. We are all Americans. We can disagree.

KO, Beck, Oreilly, and Mahr are in the same group, with KO hovering on the edge of news. Mostly they entertain.

I have endured name calling and political harassment for years because of my beliefs. I will continue to call it like I see it. Just like you do, and John Galt does.
I am a conservative (more than I am a Republican) and I think GB is a little "out there". I think Bill Maher and KO are way, way out there, but that's another story. I also do not like Bill O'Reilly or Hannity (in fact, I never watch any news channels except when there's an immediate, breaking story). But you can't argue with Fox's successful shows and the MSNBC and CNN shows which, combined, do not match the viewership of the Fox shows.

I like the "us vs. them" mentality that is going on. The "us" are the people who believe in the foundations and principles of the founding fathers, have read the Federalist papers and "Common Sense" and have copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence on our handhelds. The "them" are the people who believe, as the Bamster has stated in several papers written while in college, that the Constitution is a hindrance to implementing his socialist agenda and are attacking the very foundation of the country in trying to establish a socialist utopia. We are all Americans, but we do not all believe in America, and if you are with the Bamster, you do not believe in America.

If you disagree with what Beck is or has said, then please state what he has said with which you disagree and bring points to the table that challenge or disprove Beck's theories and statements. Attacking his presentation or his bluster (or his chalkboard) does not mean he is wrong. In the one Beck show I watched in the last six months, he described how the Progressives in the early 1900s morphed into the liberals in the 40s through the 70s and are now packaged as the Progressives of the current day. Why? Because when the public found out what the Prog/Lib agenda for America was, they turned against it - so they had to change their name in order to not alienate the public when they tried to institute their policies again. Is that wrong? If it is, then please bring counterpoints to the discussion.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Wow. If we are with "the Bamster" we do not believe in America.

This passes for "civil" in your world? Because those are fighting words to me, radical words to very many others and simply deplorable to most Americans.

That is why folks with opinions like that will remain in the minority, and be stuck with nicknames like "teabagger", and "wingnut". I don't think of my ancestors who died fighting for this country as having died fighting so we could all think alike. In fact, that is what they were fighting against.

The idea that someone cannot "believe in America" because they support the policies of a legally and freely elected President of either party is disgusting, and anti-American in my opinion. I have read nothing as offensive in the last months as that one statement, including ANYTHING I may have said.

Question my ideas, my politics, my support of specific policy, question if I am wrongheaded. To question someones patriotism is dangerous in many places. Though fortunately for you, obviously not anywhere you care to go or someone would have set you straight long ago.

That statement "if you are with the Bamster, you do not believe in America" makes moot the other questions and ideas you might have had in your post, valid or not.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
bart your on my side but don't talk about Oreilly I like him he's a straight up fuck you guy like me right or left.
but once again we don't have to talk about other people just the crazy guy beck & the black board of weirdness. I bet he's one of those freaky guys whos wife dose the strap on him.