to be fair name one dem that you don't not obama he don't count

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
ok CHEAPER want be fair this a dem basher no naming rebu's Only say what you hate or like. damn I think I like the sandbox.
dirty dog's Avatar
I cannot stand for even 1 second Barney Frank, regardless of the fact he was running a gay escort service out of his house, excuse me his man friend was, I just can't stand his arrogence. I can't stand his condesending manner, watch CSPAN and you will see it in action. Then when you factor in the sweetheart deals and Lehman brothers connection at the time of the meltdown and then ad in the fact that his committee is suppose to monitor the activities that caused the financial meltdown, I say vote his fucking ass off the planet.
john_galt's Avatar
What exactly were you trying to write? Name a democrat? Name a democrat other than Obama? Maybe you were trying to say name a democrat you like other than Obama??? I have to point out that anyone can call themselves anything they like. It doesn't make it so. So do you want a democrat or a liberal? Not quite the same thing since there are liberal republicans and conservative democrats... (oh, that's right. they banished the last conservative democrat when they got rid of Zell Miller). So okay there are no conservative democrats but how about some real honest to goodness, uncommitted moderate democrats that have not yet betrayed their constituents like Stupak. So could you repeat for the folks at home, what was your original question? In proper English please...
Unfortunately, Cheaper has a habit of writing in unintelligible sentences. It would be a surprise to have a post of his in proper English - although I think he's a Ph.D. in English composition.

Prior to the health coverage debate, I respected Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson, primarily because they were conservative with their fiscal and national security stances. Nelson was also conservative on social issues while Lieberman was liberal. However, after each of them publically sold out their vote on the health coverage bill, I lost all respect for them. On the GOP side, I do not like Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins, because of their liberal stances on both fiscal and social issues. I was quite surprised when each of them voted against the health care bill. I also have no stomach for Dennis Moore, since he refused to appear in public forums during the health care debate (only appearing before invited attendees) to hear the opinions and answer questions from his constituents on his position to vote for the bill - and to announce his retirement from the House prior to the vote because he knew his support of the bill would ensure his defeat in November.
Omahan's Avatar
Please remember to discuss the topic rather than the other posters. That seems to be the difference between political discussions getting out of hand or staying civil.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Dems in the senate I might be able to respect while ( usually) disagreeing with them politically would include; Feinstein, Feingold, Jim Webb of Virginia. Dislikes- make my blood boil would be Boxer, Stabenow and Schumer and of course, Minnesota's own favorite comedian Al Franken, who was last funny in Trading Places.

On the House side, Pelosi makes me crazy but I guess you gotta respect her at some level as she herds "cats". Strong agree on Barney Frank, who months before Fannie and Freddie imploded declared he thought they were in decent financial shape and should keep the lending window open.

And of course, now Stupak casts the deciding votes and quits. Gutless....
I think Cheaper is asking for Democrats we don't like...other than Obama. In light of the next agenda item, I nominate Al Gore. Cap and Trade is coming soon, and too many Republicans are wobbly to stop it. Remember it already passed the house, and its just waiting on the senate to act.

I'll blame Al.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I type & spell eat a dick very well , see no misspelled words there.
Philhelm's Avatar
I don't know that I like any of the Democrats...but then, there aren't a lot of Republicans I like either.

Ron Paul 2012!
Bartman1963's Avatar
CHEAPER!!! I laughed so hard the kids tried to come in the room!