Some of you guys are going to be very happy with this

dirty dog's Avatar
This is my last post on this board. Its apparent that the only topic that can be discussed at all on this board is tits and ass. While I love to play with them, I tire of talking about it all the time. For those of you who would like to contact me now or in the future, feel free to PM me, as my account will remain open unless the powers that be decide to close it. Peace to all of you.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dog don't go your one of the smart ones
I, for one, greatly appreciate your ability to talk about things other than blow jobs and fucking! Don't get me wrong sexuality is freaking awesome and needed in life!! However, I think you should do what makes you feel the best, but I'm sure (well at least I hope) there are others on here that have an intellectual side to them where they appreciate your threads that are outside of the sex topics normally discussed on this board. I actually find it rather refreshing!! Men with intelligence and who are deep thinkers are super sexy...well at least that's one of the major turn ons for me.
I understand your woes, as some of the time I feel like this is all we ever speak about. (See picture below) LOL. Sorry I just had to do it, the picture is too funny to pass up on using it on here somewhere. Whatever you decide, have a fantastic week Dirty Dog, as well as for everyone else that views these threads....It's Spring Yeah

[Photo removed per ECCIE images rules. Omahan]
Longermonger's Avatar
Quitter. LOL Like Sarah Palin, I wish you'd come back to visit after quitting so we can all be entertained. Stay out of trouble, DD.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 04-13-2010, 07:06 AM
Dirty Dog,

While I hate to see anyone leave I am puzzled by your reasoning. A quick look at the topics in this forum contradict your assurtion that "Its apparent that the only topic that can be discussed at all on this board is tits and ass." Obviously you are welcome to your opinion and it's certainly up to you to decide whether you remain active or not but I find your reasoning a bit off center.

Best of luck to you!
dirty dog's Avatar
Bubba's post has shown me that my reasoning may not have been properly conveyed in my post. So let me try to explain this again. I have decided not to post anymore, because I feel that the excessive thread closing or censorship demonstrates that any conversation that does not involve tits and ass is not really welcomed on this board. To close a thread when the partys are being civil in their discussion is without merrit in my mind. I may show back up at a later date, but I feel that it is better I leave than for me to succumb to my natural tendencies and express myself in a manner which may not be well received by those in control.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 04-13-2010, 02:26 PM
DD. Thank you for the explanation, both here and via email.

I responded to your email but will say it again here.... I hate to see you go! You are of course more then welcome to come back when you feel the time is right.

Your account will not be disabled. It will be there when you come back!
kcbigpapa's Avatar
DD, I admit that I HATE it when threads are closed when there doesn't seem like a logical reason, but in the mods defense, a lot of sandbox political threads veer way off topic and do tend to get personal. That is why I try to suggest backing up of posts that are stated as facts and to post when something is opinion. IMHO, it would make the sandbox much better. The rhetoric needs to end and rational discussion needs to begin. Hopefully, you'll just be taking some time off rather than permanently leaving the board. While we don't agree on everything, I do think you do a good job of trying to convey the facts to the members and not just hot air.