What is Obama were proven to be born in Kenya?

john_galt's Avatar
Okay, inspired by another thread the question has to be asked; what would happen if definitive proof were found that Barack Obama were born in Kenya in 1961? Don't bother trying to say it's not true. This is about proof positive (photo, footprint, etc), undeniable proof. So now what?

Possibility one: Since he is not qualified Obama doesn't even get an impeachment, he is just out and Joe Biden becomes President

Possibility two: A lawsuit is filed by the GOP against the Democrats for lack of due diligence and the remedy is sought that the only qualified person, John McCain, is the POTUS.

Possibility three: Hillary Clinton sues the democratic party and the remedy sought is that the election was won by the democratic party and that the only qualified democrat (Hillary) in the primary should be the POTUS.

Possibility four: Since the Obama candidacy is nullified all parts of that candidacy are nullified and Joe Biden is no longer VP or POTUS. Nancy Pelosi becomes the president as the onlyl qualified elected person on the list.

What about all the cabinet appointments? Is Hillary back to being Senator? Did she resign to become SOS? How about Justice Sotomayor? What about the TARP, the bailout, the buy outs of the car companies, and the healthcare bill?

Lets weigh in now shall we. This is a brain screw so don't take too seriously
Philhelm's Avatar
Well, such a scenario would be a Constitutional crisis, and I don't know what would happen. The most likely result would be Biden becoming the President, or perhaps Pelosi, since Biden would have run on a fraudulent ticket.

But then, what of every piece of legislation which had been passed under Obama? Would it become nullified?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
The whole cia & nsa should be fired on the spot. then everyone should get drunk out of their mind because that would be some funny stuff.
Longermonger's Avatar
Or would we revert to the previous POTUS, who is still alive and able to serve 2 more years? Would Dick Cheney automatically be re-appointed or would he have to appoint himself again? lol Maybe Bush would choose Palin to be his VP and then resign??? Next, I think a horn gets blown...seals are opened...there are horsemen...and...POOF!

Or...maybe the SCOTUS would interpret a "natural born U.S. citizen" to be one not born with a C-section*.

*with the same one-time-only bullshit wording like the 2000 election

What about counter-suits? Who would ever trust the GOP again? They would have lost the presidential race to a Kenyan instead of their maverick-war-hero-long-time-U.S. Senator and didn't do anything about it during the years leading up the election and over a year after it. That would make them look like a bunch of tools.
It's been a long time since government class but I thought if one parent is an American citizen the child is an American citizen regardless of where it is born. At most it would have dual citizenship.
From a Constitutional standpoint, Biden becomes President since his "election" as Vice-President was certified by a joint session of Congress and he is constitutionally qualified to serve as President (Amendment XII - the Electoral College casts votes seperately for President and Vice-President - the popular vote, although electing one ticket, has no effect on how the electors in the Electoral College vote, although, technically, all electors are committed to vote for the winning ticket in their respective states, except for Nebraska and Maine - but the electors vote seperately for each office and they can vote for any person they wish for either office). All appointments made to Cabinet positions and SCOTUS are still valid since the appointments were approved by the Senate. However, the validity of any bills signed into law may come into question and may need to be resolved by SCOTUS. But, given the current make-up of the court, chances are that it will come down to the mindset of Justice Anthony Kennedy, as he is the swing vote - and will probably take the "path of least resistance" and leave the laws valid.

goodshephrd - I'm not sure if the premise you describe is true, but, for the sake of argument, let's say it is true. If the child is born of at least one parent who is an American citizen, I believe that if that child is born in a place not considered United States territory (that is, not in the 50 states, territories, military bases overseas or embassies overseas), the child would not be considered a natural-born citizen. I personally think the premise is not true if the parent who is an American citizen is the father (which is not the case here) - otherwise, a lot of children born of American servicemen overseas during WWII, Korea and Viet Nam would have been allowed to migrate to the U.S. (again, if I am incorrect in this line of thinking, please provide the information to refute this thought with my thanks). If the parent is the mother, I believe that the child is considered an American citizen (although not natural-born).
There is a difference between citizen and natural born citizen. Please don't confuse the issue.

I assume Biden would take over...and he would probably have to re-sign everything Obama signed. There would be a shit load of court cases, dealing with the validity of laws Obama signed...and it would be general mess.

Wouldn't a true leader just go ahead and show his papers, to put everyone's mind at ease?...Remember, a member of his own cabinet was the first major political figure to bring up the issue.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 04-16-2010, 10:44 AM
unless he volentarily stepped down, then he's have to be impeached and Biden would take over in either event. IMHO. no knowledge of law to back that up. but why does the right keep bringing the issue of his birth back up again and again? give it up. he was born in Hawaii. based on what Palin says and does, she was born on a different planet. no one makes an issue of that.
People keep bringing it up because of a piece of parchment known as the constitution. Like I said, if it doesn't matter, then I encourage 34 y/o immigrants to run.

I will point out that 'the right' won't touch it with a 15 ft pole...not Beck, not Limbaugh, not Hannity....not my Senator or Congresswoman....so its just good old fashioned citizens who are bringing this up.

I encourage everybody to write their state legislators...and get their state to require proof of compliance with eligibility requirements, before getting placed on the state ballot...so nobody will have to guess about this in the future.

And of course, it would be nifty if the CIC would just produce his birth cert...instead of asking why people keep bringing it up, why not ask why he won't produce a birth cert?
GneissGuy's Avatar
Perhaps a more important question is who has jurisdiction in this issue?

One could make the claim that the constitution gives the sole jurisdiction for the choice of president to the electoral college. It's up to the electors to determine the qualifications and choice of the presidential candidates. There is no provision in the constitution to appeal or reverse the decision of the electoral college. (Other than the fact that the US house of representatives gets to count the votes.)

One could argue that the judicial branch has no jurisdiction.

It may very well be that the only solution would be to impeach the president. They would have to decide he was guilty of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." They'd have to decide that "high crimes and misdemeanors" covers this, but it can mean whatever they think it means.

To actually remove him from office, the US House would impeach him, and the Senate would hold a trial on removing him from office. It's like andindictment and conviction in a normal criminal trial. Two separate hearings.

Of course, as has been pointed out before, the government doesn't bother to conform to the constitution any more when it's inconvenient, so who knows what would happen.
Longermonger's Avatar
Errr...where in the Constitution does it say that you have to provide a long-form Hawaiian birth certificate after you've already provided a certified short-form Hawaiian birth certificate?

The list of people that would have to be "in on it" for Obama to pull a fast one is long and varied. Go ahead and make a list of those people now.
dirty dog's Avatar
Okay after careful and exhausting research it has been determined that if President Obama is not a Natural born citizen then he and Biden will be removed and I assume the office of president. As my first course of business and by executive order I will be raising the Presidental pay grade to $600,000.00 a year and a Chevy Cobalt, blue with alloy wheels.

Okay in all serious, good shepard. If only one parent is a US citizen they must have resided in the US for at least 10 years prior to the birth of the child. In this case because of her age she would not have qualified which is why their was not automatic citizenship. However, I think the whole argument is BS and most right wingers as you on the left call anyone who disagrees with the potus do not hold this birther argument as valid.
dirty dog's Avatar
"The list of people that would have to be "in on it" for Obama to pull a fast one is long and varied. Go ahead and make a list of those people now."

I used this same argument for those who put forth the idea that Bush masterminded Sept 11, but that did not stop many on the left was endorsing that load of crap.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Then there would be revolution. The top one percent would be a living "Aristocrats" joke. Dogs and cats would be living together. Republicans would turn Democrat, Democrats would turn Republican. To paraphrase Peter Griffin, it would turn "straight people gay and turn gay people into Mexicans. Everyone goes down a notch." Lightning, thunder, and blumkins.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dog this is why you can't leave the smartest thing i have heard since this started even if he is not legal no one will admit they gave keys to nukes or the country to a non born its mute its like who going to hold the ball of fire rnc cia nsa nobpdy will hold up to a fuck up of this kind