Where White Man Went Wrong

wildcat4fun's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1 Makes me proud of my native heritage.
Yep why the founding fathers gave smallpox blankets to the natives
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fuck you, E-idiot. That was a despicable practice, and beneath you for even mentioning it.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yep why the founding fathers gave smallpox blankets to the natives Originally Posted by ekim008

Which of the founding fathers was it? Was it Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Adams or maybe John Hancock? The smallpox blanket story is unproven and is based on conjecture. From what I've read, there's no confirmation one way or the other that small pox was deliberately spread to the American Indians.

Liberals love to talk about this allegation as if it were proven fact because they're always looking for any way to find fault in our history. Liberals take some sort of perverse satisfaction out of hating America because it makes them feel superior to the unenlightened hayseeds that love the country.

If you're looking for genocide by disease why not consider the of banning DDT. Thirty to sixty million people are dead from malaria (mostly Africans) in the last thiry years because of banning DDT. The banning of DDT is a consequence of left wing tree hugger politics based on junk science, the same kind of bogus "science" that liberals are using to perpetrate the global warming hoax.

ekim008, the Native Americans gave the Europeans Syphilis. At that time, either would kill you, Syphilis just took longer.
Yes, we certainly treated the native Americans majestically. Killed them, stole their land, pushed them on to reservations. A proud chapter of American history.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2012, 12:04 PM
mention founding fathers and Joe breaks a sweat
timpage, we have nothing to be proud of when it comes to the way we treated the Native Americans.

But then, since time began, groups of people with more advanced technology have always ran rampant over those that did not, especially if those that did not had something worth taking.

The Native Americans weren't that nobel, though. Before the Europeans arrived, they were doing a pretty good job of waging war with, and enslaving, their neighbors.

I read this some where, not sure if it's true, but when Columbus arrived, no western hemisphere people had yet invented the wheel.
Fuck you, E-idiot. That was a despicable practice, and beneath you for even mentioning it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

jumping to conclusions COF? I wasn't referring to you.My father came from Oklahoma,give you a clue?
Which of the founding fathers was it? Was it Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Adams or maybe John Hancock? The smallpox blanket story is unproven and is based on conjecture. From what I've read, there's no confirmation one way or the other that small pox was deliberately spread to the American Indians.

Liberals love to talk about this allegation as if it were proven fact because they're always looking for any way to find fault in our history. Liberals take some sort of perverse satisfaction out of hating America because it makes them feel superior to the unenlightened hayseeds that love the country.

If you're looking for genocide by disease why not consider the of banning DDT. Thirty to sixty million people are dead from malaria (mostly Africans) in the last thiry years because of banning DDT. The banning of DDT is a consequence of left wing tree hugger politics based on junk science, the same kind of bogus "science" that liberals are using to perpetrate the global warming hoax.

http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/..._deaths_o.html Originally Posted by joe bloe

right wing Nazis will defend to the death this is a lie,try reading asshole besides someones blog.Was used by the Spanish first on Aztec then the Mayan.Was used in New England.
joe bloe's Avatar
right wing Nazis will defend to the death this is a lie,try reading asshole besides someones blog.Was used by the Spanish first on Aztec then the Mayan.Was used in New England. Originally Posted by ekim008
Where is the proof that Americans deliberately infected the Indians with smallpox? There is no proof. It's just an allegation based on nothing. What's your source?

On the other hand, there are tens of millions of people dead from malaria because of left wing enviromnental nuts (liberal Democrats) and their phony junk science.


Geez, get a fuckin life.

You don't have to "deliberately infect" anyone with small pox. They didn't have too. If you have not been vaccinated, and are standing next to someone who has small pox, you are probably going to get it, as it's an air born virus, and extremely contagious.

The Native Americans had absolutly no immunity to small pox, it spread like the common cold in a first grade class at school.

I admitt that some despicable actions were carried out by our forefathers, (well, not mine, as I am only second generation American), but not this.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2012, 03:48 PM
that pox epidemic was brought up the Missouri River by an infected steamboat crew from St Louis ..

the army handing out infected blankets made a good story and later down the line was part of a movie.

just sayin'
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I really dont give a fuck, I want there and there is nothing I can do about it now.
My ancestors scalped the white man, stole their women and showed them what good sex was all about, some of my other ancestors owned slaves and I see their descendents all over the place and they are doing quite well. One is or was a pro football player another a national news person.
Some of my ancestors were drunks and some fought in the war for states rights some were doctors and some were lawyers and some worked in a quarry.

You know what, I did not have anything at all to do to influence what they did or were or otherwise and the only thing I inherited were some of their genes and not very good genes at that.

I am sure I have plenty of ancestors that got fucked over by somebody and some of them probably fucked over somebody else but you know what I really dont give a flying fuck. As far as I am concerened You are all as equally responsible for what somebody did 300 some odd years ago as I am wich is not at all so get over yourwhiney ass selves, Geeze what a bunch of whiney ass pussies.