This time on federal spending, budgets, debt and campgaining...........

Must see TV................
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Debbie Shultz is one light of hope in the Republican campaign. She almost makes Biden look intelligent.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
COG you set the bar pretty low and she needs it.
About as dishonest partisan as they come........but Obama and the Democrats hired her........
Guest123018-4's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
if the Democrats were in charge of Congress and the Republicans in charge of the Senate we would have the same situation. The "I am not going to pass you budget" attitude by BOTH parties.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
if the Democrats were in charge of Congress and the Republicans in charge of the Senate we would have the same situation. The "I am not going to pass you budget" attitude by BOTH parties. Originally Posted by BigLouie
House of Representatives ( Controlled by the GOP)
Senate (Controlled by the donkees)

I do not think so
History says your wrong!

if the Democrats were in charge of Congress and the Republicans in charge of the Senate we would have the same situation. The "I am not going to pass you budget" attitude by BOTH parties. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The vote was ZERO for Obama's budget in the House.
The Senate, controlled by Dems, refused to even vote on it.