Take it easy on the girl. She is brand new and doesn't know how this board works. Seems like she was asking an innocent question and it was answered quickly by a member in a very polite manner. I'd like to think that we are a kindler and gentler board and someone new asking a question would be met with patience and understanding. I didn't see anything in her question that even remotely resembled an ad unless it was edited and if so I apologize in advance.
Originally Posted by travelling_man
We are a kinder and gentler board..but rules are rules....
Yes she is new, but so are a whole lot of other girls that will take
the time to read the board and the rules...that was a blatant ad....
she knows exactly what it takes to get a review....we have to
many ladies that are either slow or new that are posting ads in the coed...
I think the rules here are pretty good..one ad a week plus
another one on the weekend....how many ads does a girl need a week?