Melissa Nash's website has been copied and listed without consent

FYI - It has just been brought to my attention that USAescorts has a profile on Melissa Nash. It appears that all photos and info has been posted directly from the Melissa Nash website. I publicly would like to say that I do not know who these people are and I did not voluntarily participate in this website.
Furthermore, any emails forwarded to me from this website, usaescorts, will be deleted.

I had a long and noble white knight reply written but of course my browser crashed.

Anyway, my advice would be a (probably easy and cheap to get) cease and desist letter from an actual attorney. These dickheads operate under the assumption that providers (esp. independent ones) are too scared, too dumb, or too strung out to make a stink about this kind of theft. Don't be one who perpetuates that idea.

This is your intellectual property, and the very reason so many providers place watermarks on their pics. Even if it was good and/or free publicity for you, no doubt the webmaster is tracking how traffic to and from that page is going and to/from where. Not to mention that if the site rips someone off or what-have-you, it will look as bad or worse on a named provider than on some faceless webhost.

I'm no lawyer and not an uber-guru with this whole intertubes thing, but I'd bet that C&D letter would get their asses in gear.

Good luck and kick some ass.

Slothrop, thank you for your advise. I also did some research and found the link that you provided.
I am happy to report that my own, sharp tongue cease and desist email did the trick
I have been notified that they have taken me off their website.
I have to admit it looked great but I did not consent to be part of that site.

Now, Naughty Reviews still has me listed by Global Courtesan agency and I have tried to have both the site and agency (whom I was affiliated with for a few weeks in 2009) either remove me or at least remove Global Courtesan's phone number.
Just so everyone is clear, if you call that 631 number listed for Melissa Nash on Naughty Reviews, you will not get me.
Melissa Nash is 100% independent and am happy to look at any new websites, referral services etc but I want the ability to make my own decision to post a profile or not.
babe, google your Name contact info etc at least every week. Part of this biz is the scum who copy your ads and put it onto their site.

Watch what site you post with - the TOS of some sites say "by posting here your ad becomes our property" and they can and do sell your ad.

Posting your pix on other sites - same thing. They may be "unrightclickable" (easy to work around btw but still do it) on your site, but when you post them elsewhere - not so. EROS, TER TBD, BP etc all examples.

I just had a site remove my info - they not only had my pix, email, phone and site - but also had a link for my "$20 Special" which led to So there ya go - anything for traffic/a buck.

USUALLY - just sending the webmaster/site owner an email takes care of it.

Check your "online presence" every week or so - and you will be sending emails every week, I guarantee it.
Thanks for the support and suggestions, babee.
Abe Normal's Avatar
I'm happy you got it corrected Melissa.

Now, Ol' Abe needs to get out to your neck of the woods and spank you for being sooooo sexy !