This Holiday

GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar

Hello Fellow Eccie Members (:

ive been a member for quite some time now. if you were to ask me how my experience has been since i began i wouldve told you i wished when i first began that i could meet a independent woman that wouldve taken me under her wing and shown me the ropes so i could accomplish my goals back then, uphold my dignity, and avoid any drama. Unfortunately despite my own indepth search for this dream girl i learned everything i know on my own through my own experiences. Thankfully, not near as much bad as ive had good!!!

I'm writing this now because really i have no one personally i can turn to, and truthfully my pride is extremely hard to swallow now and admit i need some help. I've had a series of unfortunate events due to a series of decisions made based on poor judgement on my own part. while i can admit that much i must say my intentions behind these decisions were nothing more but to help out several other providers that i wont mention that are here as well in hopes that whatever benefits they got from me would benefit their life and maybe even come back to benefit me later like i visioned from the beginning. oh only in my perfect little world LOL

I'm not asking for money and im not asking for anything FREE. Right now my home is literally empty. all my hard work and everything i took pride in saying was mine was taken when i asked another provider to leave my home so i could go home and save money for my legal issues now pressing. now ive come to find they also didnt pay the utilities the whole time. while i was able to take care of some my level of priorities dont allow me to cover other debts at the moment. this home i so longed to come back to so i could finally rest has become cold and empty and even more of a burden. if anyone has any type of extra furniture you've been needing to get rid of organizers, decorations, man anything to make something more HOMELY im not saying i need donations, but maybe even a barter type deal this would erase some stress in my life i cant even begin to focus on eliminating at this time.

because of all this backed up chaos im just now catching up to, my phone #9402068591 was disconnected this month. i made a small payment to get an extension but dropped my iphone and now i cant even call my provider to try to extend let alone answer any calls or anything else and have resorted to using my google voice number 9728366171 in the mean time til i can get a new phone or fix this one. IF YOU ARE CAPABLE OF REPAIRING AN IPHONE 4S FOR SPRINT, OR HAVE A SPRINT CELL PHONE I WOULD BE MORE THAN WILLING TO BARTER!!!!

so basically im willing to barter for furniture, cell phone repair, or a new phone altogether. all this stuff up at once along with my legal situation i cant even begin to enjoy this holiday. im already seperated from my dearest loved ones, but now the season is only even more of a burden if nothing else but the fact that EVERYONES financial situation is just as stressed during this time. like i said not asking for anything free nor am i asking for money but if you can help me in ANY other way im speaking up... im telling you all if ive never been in need of a little lift its now in my life. and im embarassed but i cant just suffer silently.

i greatly appreciate the time yall.
i hope EVERYONE has an blessed holiday this year!!!

now back to the good cheer!
BlackJesusX's Avatar
I can do some iPhone repairs. I do it mostly as a hobby, but I'm pretty good at it. My military job has trained me pretty well. I'll do it for free if it doesn't require me to buy any parts I don't already have on hand.
Guest062716's Avatar
Ladies and Gents,

Gabriela has indeed swallowed a lot of pride to post this. She shared with me some of her dilemma a while back.

Long story short, she tried to help out another provider, to include opening her home up to the lady, trusting she would do as she promised while Gabriela was out of town. Gabriela returned to an empty apartment, literally. The lady not only did not take care of the bills, but she RIPPED OFF her furniture and belongings.

As she said, she IS NOT and HAS NOT asked for money, and is determined to make it on her own, but in this time of cheer and good will. If anyone can help with donation or barter for services or household belongings, I know she would genuinely appreciate it.

She does live in Waco.

If you up for an outright donation, don't live near there or feel up to the drive - feel free to contact me via PM. I will be more than happy to store any household donations here in the Killeen area and arrange for delivery. No, Gabriela did not ask me to do this, nor does she know that I just made that offer. I am doing so having read this message and knowing that it is sincere.

I have been unemployed, hungry and alone in my life and too proud to ask for a hand out. I have personally extended a hand to many - only to be bitten more than once, lol. I still stick out my hand.

She is not asking for money, or a hand out, just some nice hand-me-downs (and is willing to trade services). I have an item or two set aside for her that I have no inclination to collect any services for. Feel free to PM (or text if you have my number) me if you feel so inclined as to donate outright. (Obviously contact Gabriela if you are looking to trade).

You can keep your gift anonymous or get full credit. Totally your choice.

Warm wishes for this season of Thanksgiving.

Very respectfully submitted,

GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
love yall thanks for the support (: