Ghosting has become ridiculous......

Saw a thread similar to this the other day....the lack of response from the providers has reached a new level and quite frankly it's enough to piss you off....was feeling the need for some human interacton today so reviewed the ads available and started making are the results....

First the only decent one....
this is missy...another provider vouched for her on here recently....contacted her and found out she was further away than I had time for.....she thanked me for reaching out to her and encouraged me to keep her in mind later down the road....

Now for the idiots of the day....
I contact this one and establish that I am in fact quite 1:25, I ask her how much notice she needs and she says 30 minutes...I immediately send back that 2 will work for me.....she responds "oh, you meant now?" I didn't mean now, that's why I asked what the lead time was that you needed.....she comes back asking if 230 will work....excuse me, that is 60 minutes notice, not 30.....I text her back and say due to our schedule being off from each other, I'll catch up with her some other 3, she texts me and wants to know I am still coming over.......
Some quick texts back and forth to let her know I am interested and same as before, I ask how much notice does she need.....30 minutes again....I tell her I will see her then and to shoot me over what part of Michigan she is on......never hear back from her.....
Good ole Lindsey....she just can't seem to get her act together...been trying to see for quite some time now...a little while back she was horrible at ghosting everyone and supposedly came back to the hobby blaming her bad conduct on a boyfriend....she claimed that he was gone and things would be better....they're not....established contact, price, time via text, set a time 45 minutes in advance and asked what area of Brent I would be travelling to.......never got a response......
this one actually had 2 ads up with different phone numbers in them....when I asked her about that she never responded again....not a true case of ghosting but you gotta wonder about the 2 different numbers......
and then this one....had an early bird special posted....i texted to find out how late the special was good and what the price was.....she provided those answers and I said it sounded good....again I asked how much advance notice she needed and never heard from her again...

So Missy, if I do get down to your neck of the woods, I will be looking you up...or looking up at you.....wink, wink....

For the rest of you ladies, quit ghosting us.....if you change your mind, tell us....something comes up, tell us...while I am at it, put your damn location in your ad.....Florida is not a location, it's a state...incall is a place, not a location...if I am in Perdido and your incall is in Cantonment, save us both some time from having to find out the drive might be too far to even consider calling you....

Okay, rant over but damn, I never did get any companionship today......I hate when that happens.....
STG is BP 2.0–the girls are being hammered with weirdos and have become overwhelmed with uncertainly and probably only can connect with maybe one out of ten potential dates. I’m just saying that in my opinion if your not somehow being managed and having your clients vetted beforehand then how can you feel safe inviting someone into your world. And with Craigslist being down also the true fucktards are moving in on our territory also, I think the new forum laws/rules are conditioning both sides of the bed sheets, but more-so the ladies and that scenario is bad for us guys, I loved BP, but it’s not for everyone and 2.0 is way bad from the old.
Alright so , it's Lindsey here...and so bc1969 definitely has a good point. I do get bombarded with messages a lot, and I lose track..
I apologise for my poor time management there. I am trying. And not to mention, Pensacola has become some kinda hub for weirdos and guys not wanting to pay...rude people in general. And that alone is almost too much to bear and risk vs reward...well, this isn't the place to be in my opinion. And why do people wanna come on here an just start dissing us without any idea on what's going on behind the scenes?? Fuck.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
[QUOTE=bc1969;1061854344]STG is BP 2.0–the girls are being hammered with weirdos and have become overwhelmed with uncertainly and probably only can connect with maybe one out of ten potential dates. I’m just saying that in my opinion if your not somehow being managed and having your clients vetted beforehand then how can you feel safe inviting someone into your world. And with Craigslist being down also the true fucktards are moving in on our territory.

FINALLY someone gets it. If you want to see a lady- message her who you are- good nice introduction, so many people say hey are you available or ask a general question... stand out from that. Introduce yourself, go ahead and have your references and stuff ready if you know she screens.. and try to skip sexually explicit talk. I post there sometimes and I’m overwhelmed with the most ridiculous messages sometimes that I just stop responding to anyone because no one likes to go back and forth. Also, you know, guys might not understand this either but if I don’t like your vibe or attitude in text I’ll tell you to find someone else, and this is for my safety and my enjoyment.. I’m not really pressed to see new people, my regulars know me and respect me and I’ve worked hard to establish real connections with some and I won’t jeopardize that for a new guy with a sense of entitlement just because he’s the one “paying” if I spend time with someone I definitely want to enjoy it too! Just an FYI for some of these new guys out here.
See, I knew it! It's your fault, Speedteacher!
NLN is a fuckin rockstar of a provider. She has always came through for me through the years... even when I was a no show she still kept in contact. So yeah shout out to you NLN!! When and if I hobby again I hope ur still around.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Daaaaamn Bama, it’s been a while since I heard from you! Miss ya, and hope you’re doing well!
I have seen both Tay the third link you posted and Anastasia the last link. Both are great providers and would recommend either of them to anyone.

I have to agree that the STG has them over loaded with weirdos.
Speed I do have a question though. In one of your encounters you accuse Tay of being a thief yet you tried to setup to meet her again?
Speed is relaying his experiences, newbie maybe but who cares, but to express those “tries” with us is cool to hear,,he tried with Tay again it seems, twice and she can’t get over herself? He probably thought he had an advantage to score with her based on an earlier experience,,but screwed again and flames her here as she should be, now he knows for sure it was not him, but he tried one more time and that is dope (my new word,dope) it’s not like she remembered anyway. And it’s cool that Lindsey defended herself, her and nln are looking for good dates, get your mind out of the gutter, if you admire your own dick so much that you can’t introduce yourself as a person, get over yourself.
I was impressed with Tays looks and hey, maybe we could make up. I certainly was willing to give her a chance to make it up to me in some way.
bc, thanks for the thoughts...I did think I was just sharing my experiences for the day. Some of us regrettably have a tighter schedule than others and when we try our best to give the providers as much consideration as they ask for, we appreciate the same. If I've only got a couple hour window in which to participate in the hobby, getting ghosted a couple times pretty much eats that up with no happiness to show for my time. As far as Lindsey goes, if she wasn't so damn hot looking in both her pictures and my imagination while reading her good reviews, I'd probably forget about her. But do you ever look at someone and think what would I be missing if I didn't see her at least once? She did text me later on that day (11 at night) with a "Hey you" and an offer to make it up to me the next day. First, not cool to text back that late; the provider has no way of knowing if their text might put someone in a compromising situation. I did try to contact her the next day but got no response. Who knows, maybe it is time to forget about meeting her......

Please check out the reviews posted.

They have a wealth of information.

Find a good girl. See her a few times, develop a good working relationship.

If you’re respectful, then she may vouch for you and introduce you to her friends.

Always good to have a couple of reliable girls that you can count on.

For new talent, it’s a gamble. If you HAVE to GET LAID, don’t chance it on someone who isn’t reviewed.

You’ll drastically reduce your odds of getting ghosted if you follow my advice.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Yep. I get ghosted, too. Sometimes by well-reviewed and popular ladies (not naming names). Yes, it sucks.

Still, I would rather get texted back with a "I can't see you today" or a "I don't feel safe in seeing you", or something along that line, than to be left "hanging and waiting" for a reply back.

When I text or message a lady, she's the one I'm interested in at that time. I don't text another lady until she replies back saying she's not available or unless a couple hours have passed without a reply.

Other guys, on the other hand, might text ten ladies at once, and go see the first one to reply back (like a game show.... lol).
BulldogCountry's Avatar
And on the other hand, I've had women finally text me back two days later thinking I'm ready to see them.

"Um... no. Two days have passed. I'm probably either working today or busy with something else in general." Not to mention I probably saw someone else by then. XD

But usually when that happens, I just ghost them right back. lol