Here’s one for yous conspiracy nuts out there.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Now see if yous can keep up with this.

iran shoots down Ukrainian airliner hours after launching a missle attack on the USEh, following five da6s of crazy ass threats by Trump to target 52 Iranian sites, including cultural heritage sites. Plane full of Canadians, among others.

Iran realizes it fucked up by attacking the USeh, seeking a way out of getting its past, presents and futures blown to smithereens by Trump.

So, like it did with your sainted Ronald Reagan, the Iranians cut a deal to appease the fat lying lunatics.

They proxy fucks Ukraine for Trump’s impeachment.

They proxy fucks Canada for Trudeau fucking Melania.

Trump stands down.

Iran walks without being blown to smithereens. They don’t give a rat sass about Iranian and Canadian lives or Ukraine. After all, they’re fucking Iran. And Ukraine and Canada needs to pay for making Trump looks ridiculous.

Win-Win, eh?

Don’t tells me you haven’t figured this out yet.

Feels free to discuss among your fake news, conspiratorial selves,
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Fake news!
Now see if yous can keep up with this.

iran shoots down Ukrainian airliner hours after launching a missle attack on the USEh, following five da6s of crazy ass threats by Trump to target 52 Iranian sites, including cultural heritage sites. Plane full of Canadians, among others.

Iran realizes it fucked up by attacking the USeh, seeking a way out of getting its past, presents and futures blown to smithereens by Trump.

So, like it did with your sainted Ronald Reagan, the Iranians cut a deal to appease the fat lying lunatics.

They proxy fucks Ukraine for Trump’s impeachment.

They proxy fucks Canada for Trudeau fucking Melania.

Trump stands down.

Iran walks without being blown to smithereens. They don’t give a rat sass about Iranian and Canadian lives or Ukraine. After all, they’re fucking Iran. And Ukraine and Canada needs to pay for making Trump looks ridiculous.

Win-Win, eh?

Don’t tells me you haven’t figured this out yet.

Feels free to discuss among your fake news, conspiratorial selves, Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Hahahahaha............. Keep entertaining yourself. It just proves the point that you're a dumb ass. Too bad you weren't on that plane you dam bum.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The husband and child of one of our people was on the plane. Don't worry you sick bastards...they were Canadian.
Fake news! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Fake News, Fake Handle!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yet, one if yous had posted this, I can think of at least half a dozen of yous who would have expanded on this ridiculous but altogether plausible theory with each successive post.

Or... had the name Trump been replaced with the name CLinton... well yous know the rest.

Whacko conspiracies are the mothers milks of Trumpworld. And Loony Trumpholian conspirators like yous are the ranks and files of this forum.

I suggests you let that one marinate.

Another self-anointed 5-star brainless thread.
YOUR signature "ASSUP" you over inflated ego bloviator
Hotrod511's Avatar
Now see if yous can keep up with this.

iran shoots down Ukrainian airliner hours after launching a missle attack on the USEh, following five da6s of crazy ass threats by Trump to target 52 Iranian sites, including cultural heritage sites. Plane full of Canadians, among others.

Iran realizes it fucked up by attacking the USeh, seeking a way out of getting its past, presents and futures blown to smithereens by Trump.

So, like it did with your sainted Ronald Reagan, the Iranians cut a deal to appease the fat lying lunatics.

They proxy fucks Ukraine for Trump’s impeachment.

They proxy fucks Canada for Trudeau fucking Melania.

Trump stands down.

Iran walks without being blown to smithereens. They don’t give a rat sass about Iranian and Canadian lives or Ukraine. After all, they’re fucking Iran. And Ukraine and Canada needs to pay for making Trump looks ridiculous.

Win-Win, eh?

Don’t tells me you haven’t figured this out yet.

Feels free to discuss among your fake news, conspiratorial selves, Originally Posted by HoeHummer(Assup)
thank you no value poster

  • oeb11
  • 01-10-2020, 03:39 PM
How 'bout Trudeau declares war on Iran for shooting down the airliner.

Wonder how the faux dogsleds will do in the sands of Iran???
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Fake News, Fake Handle! Originally Posted by gnadfly

And the same old BS!
winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe the canajuns shot down that plane. what says yew assup?
HoeHummer's Avatar
How 'bout Trudeau declares war on Iran for shooting down the airliner.

Wonder how the faux dogsleds will do in the sands of Iran???
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
What is your recollection of either, oebsy?

Remember, yous aren’t welcome to come here again.
  • Tiny
  • 01-10-2020, 08:27 PM
Interesting theory HoeHummer. But why wouldn’t the Iranians have just assassinated Trudeau and a few Ukrainian politicians? They would have gotten a lot more brownie points for far fewer lives lost. Imagine how grateful Trump would be if he got a special delivery package from the Iranians, opened it, and there was Justin Trudeau’s bloody head on a silver platter.

The other huge problem with your theory — it’s got to hurt tourism when you start blasting passenger jets out of the sky.
  • Tiny
  • 01-10-2020, 08:30 PM
My theory is that they built up a massive short position in Boeing then shot the plane down so they could make a killing in the stock market
HoeHummer's Avatar
Interesting theory HoeHummer. But why wouldn’t the Iranians have just assassinated Trudeau and a few Ukrainian politicians? They would have gotten a lot more brownie points for far fewer lives lost. Imagine how grateful Trump would be if he got a special delivery package from the Iranians, opened it, and there was Justin Trudeau’s bloody head on a silver platter.

The other huge problem with your theory — it’s got to hurt tourism when you start blasting passenger jets out of the sky. Originally Posted by Tiny
I wonder just how great Iranian tourism really is, Tiny.

However, after watching events unfolds today, I don’t think anybody knows what to believe. Betweens the Iranians, Pompeo and the fat lying bastard himself, the story (and the truth) seems to be the proverbials movings targets.