Well that was weird...

Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Have you ever felt you were looked at a little too long by strange people and thought wtf?? Or someone knowing your name without you telling them? Or someone sitting next to you on a bench like forest Gump, reciting a conversation you had with someone else verbatim to themselves?? Chances are, you may be victim of your profile and identity being sold on the dark web. I heard exclusive material goes for 1000s ..just saying.
" Wherever you go, there you are " - Buckaroo Banzai
Mr. Crowley's Avatar
Have you ever felt you were looked at a little too long by strange people and thought wtf?? Or someone knowing your name without you telling them? Or someone sitting next to you on a bench like forest Gump, reciting a conversation you had with someone else verbatim to themselves?? Chances are, you may be victim of your profile and identity being sold on the dark web. I heard exclusive material goes for 1000s ..just saying. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Not straight, no
DallasRain's Avatar
I was living in New Orleans at the time....I was at the St Paddys day parade with my grown kids & lil grandson.
A guy who was marching in the parade came running over to me shouting "Dallas""Dallas""Dallas",t hen proceeded to give me a kiss & a carnation.
I had no clue who he was..musta been a client of mine,but I didnt recognize him.
Thank goodness my Kids knew what I did!
TailHooked's Avatar
Your info is sold to corporations. They use it to target you for their product(ads). If someone knows your name, looks at you like they know you or knows your exact conversation, then you are most likely to be indited. Expect a dark SUV in your future.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Your info is sold to corporations. They use it to target you for their product(ads). If someone knows your name, looks at you like they know you or knows your exact conversation, then you are most likely to be indited. Expect a dark SUV in your future. Originally Posted by TailHooked
That is true but, there are those in the underworld at this very moment,are making thousands off of "marketable people" without them even knowing about it.