Wheres the Booty?

vidagalore's Avatar
Which do you prefer real or fake?
gimme_that's Avatar
A real ass perferably. Although I haven't definitively felt a fake ass yet, just seen them. In Atlanta a lot of strippers, men too, porn stars, and ladies there have taken to injecting fat cells into their ass so it can grow at a more rapid rate and look more round......I think that's a damn shame.

Its sorta sad when you see a lady with arms only long enough to where she can only reach her belly button but has a strangely gigantic ass with hips that will require a towel and a long stick for proper wiping and cleaning in showers. Its something I think about when I look at certain ads.....but bigger seems better as long as she is shapely and naturally curvy and symetrical body wise.
Most women don't have enough money for the fat graft transfer so they get those deadly bootleg ass shots and it looks ridiculous, just like fake breasts.
Most women don't have enough money for the fat graft transfer so they get those deadly bootleg ass shots and it looks ridiculous, just like fake breasts. Originally Posted by BlackMistress
They actually look worse than MMs to me. There are some VERY natural looking MMs out there, though. But, IMHO, there's no way you can make a fake ass appear real. I've seen some real asses that look fake, but never the other way around. The obsession with having the biggest, most round ass has caused many women their lives. One lady went with a bootleg doctor to perform the procedure and ended up dying because she was injected with silicone caulk. Not worth it on so many levels.

Edited to answer OP: I prefer naturally bred booties. But, if you think you can fool me, by all means, I encourage you to try.
Keep it Real
It would absolutly break my heart if I found out that Sarah's cute little ass was the product of a modern surgical procedure.

Sure, she has the new MM tits, but I don't give a shit about tits.
A fake bum?? People are doing that now?
A fake bum?? People are doing that now? Originally Posted by Valerie
Old news!
Old news! Originally Posted by Shayla
Well damn...sure do hate I missed out on that one
Well damn...sure do hate I missed out on that one Originally Posted by Valerie
You need to watch more American television
You need to watch more American television Originally Posted by Shayla
I'd rather not be reminded of the superficial lows of modern society as much as possible lol
Still Looking's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
So when somebody says get your fake ass outta here they mean it literally now?