Providers. They just can't seem to get out

burkalini's Avatar
This has happened to me repeatedly. You meet a new in the business provider and they tell you they are doing it to get them thru some bill issues or the famous school line. You see them a few times and eventually the original issue go away. They just seem to get sucked in. They just can't or don't want to get out of the business. Now don't get me wrong I'm not looking down on them as I think it's got to be a tough business to do year after year. I just wionder what happened to all the original asparations they have. I wonder how many providers quit the business after they have been in the business for a year. Any thoughts?
adult146's Avatar
I figure it's not really any different than any one else. "I'm saving up for school" turns into, "I already have a job that pays well". Why go back to school.
I'm sure if they could make the same or more with a regular job they would leave the hobby in a heart beat.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 02:57 PM
Easy money.

Good easy money if youre popular.

why deal with a schedule that demands you get up at 6am, get dressed, put on make up, sit in traffic for an hour just to put up with a boss for $12 and hour, day in and day out?

like the drug dealer scenario .. make $1000 a night or flip burgers all day for $30

human nature shifts logic aside, and the easy road gets taken
Definitely easy to get sucked in. I think you're ok if you keep your priorities but there is always an excuse.
DallasRain's Avatar
I enjoy the flexibility & freedom this "career" gives well as the extra shopping change!
{It would be so hard to would require a total lifestyle change}
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 05:07 PM
I enjoy the flexibility & freedom this "career" gives well as the extra shopping change!
{It would be so hard to would require a total lifestyle change} Originally Posted by DallasRain


I knew it !!!!!!!!!!!!

whitechocolate's Avatar
Many of the gals continue to provide after they achieve their original goals for all sorts of obvious reasons. I have known of many married professional women who dont need the money but are addicted to pleasure and excitement and will often service men who are not even their type for the admiration that providing gives them. The risk taking is also very addicting for many women.
canuckvic's Avatar
After a year?? 0%. Money drives the world and there is usually a reason of the week that keeps them in. The only time they leave is one of few reasons like being outed, age, or hate it alltogether and they're over the addiction of money.
Willen's Avatar
I echo WhiteChocolate. There certainly are plenty--too many-women who stay in the hobby for the $$$$ even though they really don't like it, or hate it. And you read comments from guys every day on the board that make me squirm. How much worse must such attitudes be when you are the woman dealing with them in person?

But, I also know folks who revel in the best aspects of this world. As one woman I respect put it, "There are those of us who f**k to live, and those who live to f**k." The former seem to me sad; the latter are magic.
shorty's Avatar
It's a cash based business, so very little if any taxes are paid on the income. Where else can you make 50K plus in cash. It also gives them freedom to be with there kid or make there schedule around what the kid has going on.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Guys always talk about the benefits to them of having the provider relationship as totally on a take it or leave it basis and many of the providers, particularly the older ones with an SO also will tell you they get off on having a man fuck them passionately and then leave with no obligations. That aspect works both ways and they get paid great money to do it.
I will leave when i find a man that will put out 2-4 times per day and then leave me alone the rest of the time. I mean... you cant beat good sex without the drama of the strings attached!
whitechocolate's Avatar
Lacy, you just need a polyamorous type of situation living with a few submissive men who are told your terms.
pyramider's Avatar
In another thread LL stated she would not interrupt football watching provided the guy was okay with a bj during the game.