Basic premises:
Supply and demand exist.
People avoid situations that are un-fun.
So: When people are douchebags to providers, it makes some of them leave the hobby. By the laws of supply and demand, that makes it more expensive for all of us. Furthermore, word of this sort of thing spreads, so fewer providers enter the hobby. So the supply/demand relationship is moved toward restriction of supply, and the price increases.
By contrast, when someone is a douchebag to a hobbyist, the hobbyist will hobby less. That moves toward demand reduction, and the price of pussy drops.
However, the hobbyist will, in general make significantly fewer appointments than the provider. There may be exceptions on this, but RisqueRenee, the most recent VP to get a review, has been reviewed 4 times in 2014, assuming that 1 in 20 reviews, that's 80 appointments. I have made 3 in 2014. So impacts to providers have far greater effects than impacts to individual hobbyists (there may be exceptions, but that's the gist.).
So, when guys are douchebags to providers, it hurts us all. Kind of a surprising amount.
Girls, consider, removing douchebags from the equation, and assuming that more girls went into the hobby, what would you *really* be willing to do this work for? at $150/hour, would you go be a secretary for $12/hour? At $100 would you flip burgers for minimum wage? No, honestly, if providers were not driven out of the business by massive douchebaggery, the price would drop significantly.
Guys, consider: Are douchebags REALLY amusing enough to be worth the fact that your favorite providers will always leave the hobby? That your poontang will cost between 50% and double what the price would be if they weren't around?
Now, I am not trying to white knight for anyone here. In fact, one of my central rules of life is everyone's all fucked up. That goes for everyone here to be certain, myself included. What I am saying is that the more pleasant we make the environment for the providers, the better it will be for hobbyists. Pure selfishness forces me to treat providers respectfully.