Can you tell me what this is..

So since I don't have my other phone to screen record the black Sun anymore or whatever the fuck that thing is that keeps popping up. which you can still go see on the webcam pretty much every single day, just got to find where it's at at the time. But anyway, this is a screen recording from my other phone of what I believe is plasma. And unless you have solid proof to explain to me what it is or isn't I don't give a fuck. And again, just to be perfectly clear, any of you can go on YouTube look up live webcams. the ones that I've been looking at our Mexico just go through the footage for the last 12 hours see what you notice.

Yes I know it's a shity video that's not the point. Just watch it give it a good minute minute-and-a-half you'll see.
Without know about light vs camera placement, What I saw looks like a good old fashioned lens flare.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I have no idea what that is. Sorry.
That appears to be magma/lava flows. If you pay attention to the video, you will see a "skin" form on the top of the main circle of material while there is a subsurface flow going outwards. However, after looking at that bad video a second time, I noticed too much structure that would not survive if that were a lava flow, so I cannot state what it is, yet I can state what it is not.

That is not is Plasma as Plasma does not behave in the manner the video shows.

Plasma is found in high-energy physics and is found on, and in, the Sun or in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), or similar things. Additionally, the temperature of Plasma ranges from around 6093.33 C to 300,000,000 C or 11,000 to 540,000,032 degrees Fahrenheit.