Learning Curves

awl4knot's Avatar
I recently read a review for a new provider and it made me wonder: How long does it take a woman to feel comfortable in her role as an adult service provider?

I realize that there are some ladies who never get it right and I suppose there are some "naturals" who "got it" from the outset. But my guess is that most ladies have an adjustment period and I wonder how long it is.

i felt immediately comfortable with my profession. before my first appointment, i was very nervous. would i feel like less of a person? i asked myself. would my morals, my ethics, and my worth as a human being magically erode with this one act? of course, LE concerns were also an issue as at that time, i was not aware of PMBs.

fortunately, no such erosion occurred. not only did i feel no worse for the wear -- i felt... a mixture of empowerment and pleasant surprise at how well things had gone. my first client was a great guy who led me to a well-known national PMB; and from there, i discovered my way to other boards.

that said -- being comfortable and discovering your niche are two different things.

for example; it took me some time to realize that the way for me to be both optimally successful and optimally happy was to just be myself. it took me some time to realize that men would be drawn to me simply on the merit of my writings, within which i bare my true self. i've never been able to be anyone but me -- so for some time, i was quiet. when i realized that my voice was not only accepted, but appreciated and in some cases embraced, i really started to figure out just where i belonged within this world.

additionally, almost two years ago, now, i met a gentleman who quite literally paralyzed me with his gentle touch. i had never had such an experience before in my life. my entire self blossomed as my eyes, my heart, the sensual center of my body opened up to realize that what i truly wanted was to be able to give that gift to others. to literally overpower them with pleasure, without being aggressive in any way. to pamper them, to make them feel cherished and adored above all else during our time together, with intense focus and with layers upon layers of subtle sensual attentiveness.

thus my niche was discovered; and i carved it out. i learned to be myself; i learned what i really wanted, and what i really wanted to give -- and i learned how to attract the sort of people i really wanted to meet. i'm happy to report that it has worked out smashingly for me.
awl4knot's Avatar

It pleases me that someone actually read this and I am blessed with this huge bonus that it was you.

You are absolutely right. Your writing draws men like flies to the honey of your sweet personality and soul.

And your numerous beaus all speak of your amazing erotic and sensuous skills. Our stars haven't aligned yet but I am sure that they will.

But I think you are one of the naturals. May be only the natural ones survive the apprenticeship period and the others fade away quickly.

I was nervous with my first client but I was always comfortable with being a provider and I was scared that someone might hurt me. I was kind of shy too because I wasn't sure if I could make guys happy or how I could know what they like. But after a few appointments it was just fine. I realized that I should just relax and be myself and having a nice easy and fun conversation pretty much helped me.

It probably was only like 2 weeks maybe where I was not scared of something happening to me. Once I learned about screening and all the review boards things were a lot more comfortable and knowing a couple of girls that were providers that referred me to the review and discussion boards it was all happy times from there on!
Still Looking's Avatar
I recently read a review for a new provider and it made me wonder: How long does it take a woman to feel comfortable in her role as an adult service provider?

I realize that there are some ladies who never get it right and I suppose there are some "naturals" who "got it" from the outset. But my guess is that most ladies have an adjustment period and I wonder how long it is.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
I think its very proportionate to the caliber of Hobbyist the provider first interacts with!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I can't ever remember being uncomfortable. I guess that makes me a "natural" :-) .... I still remember my first client .... he was such a nice guy. I remember thinking "if everyone I meet is as kind and respectful as this man, this job is gonna rock!"

4 years later I must say I have been blessed. In 4 years I can count the number of guys who have pissed me off or disrespected me on 1 hand.
I recently read a review for a new provider and it made me wonder: How long does it take a woman to feel comfortable in her role as an adult service provider?

I realize that there are some ladies who never get it right and I suppose there are some "naturals" who "got it" from the outset. But my guess is that most ladies have an adjustment period and I wonder how long it is.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
I am still learning, dear. I don't think I will ever know all there is to know about this business. As the days go by, my sexuality blossoms, evolves and changes. I am always getting closer to myself, my partner and my sensuality.

Time-wise, my first visit in this industry was so fearful for me. Afterwards, it was exhilirating! There are days when I feel like I am at the top of my game. It honestly took me a good solid 2 years to be proud of what I do and how I please people. This industry is not for everyone. I feel that you either have it in you or you don't. Emotions can't be faked and I think that those that truly don't enjoy it will fade and fizzle...