Sears is dying

VitaMan's Avatar
Sears has been trying to find a way to survive for years and years. Nothing
seems to get the company going in a positive direction. They just continue to
sell off parts of the farm.

Maybe there is or was no way to save it.

Whenever I stopped in at Sears, I always found good buys on tools, shoes, tires. But only went about twice a year.
Slitlikr's Avatar
When Walmart started buying from Chinese vendors, they killed a lot of their competition. Sears, JC Penny, Monkey Ward.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
Thats why we need to make America great again. Fuck that Chinese import shit.

However, I did find a good deal on a furniture dolly at Harbor Freight with a coupon.

If all of the "American" retailers priced their shit according to the quality of said shit, then it might be a different storyline. But as long as they continue to outsource customer "service" (and I use THAT term very loosely) and continue to make their bottom line what dictates the fuckery, we are all screwed.
pyramider's Avatar
Sears was in a death spiral before Wally World got real big.
TryWeakly's Avatar
^ this, and the sears catalog never showed any taint....
VitaMan's Avatar
But if you have factories in the US or high wage locations, you will die off too.

That is what globalization has brought us. And no way to stop it.
^ this, and the sears catalog never showed any taint.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
only testicles

or was that JCP?
the department store model wasn't ever a good one

liken it to having lunch at Luby's

they have a little of everything on the menu

none of which is very good
There have been many major problems at Sears since the 70s.
First, their catalog business model was no longer profitable.
But they built huge shopping malls. All those malls that have a Sears at them built in the 80s were usually owned by Sears.
Then Walmart and the web killed them.
pyramider's Avatar
But if you have factories in the US or high wage locations, you will die off too.

That is what globalization has brought us. And no way to stop it. Originally Posted by VitaMan

What does that even remotely have to do with the decline and fall of Sears?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Sears is but one casualty of outsourcing both labor and material costs. It affects all areas of our economy.

Sears (home depot, lowes, walMart < especially walmart) go into any of those stores and see how many items are made in the usa. You can nearly count them on two hands (exaggerated a little, but you catch the drift).

Gonna be a long road to life the way it was.....
Caligula1's Avatar
+ 1 OP that's a slow death of an American icon. It's pain full to see sears this way. That's the brutality of the corporate world. You get up very morning to find a way to innovate and reinject and buy and sell a company to eliminate your competition and the impact of globalization. I share your empathy. Sir.
I stopped buying from Sears in 1979 for a good reason. I'm glad they are where they are now.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sears quit selling firearms and ammunition.
They also quit making craftsman tools in the US.
Now they are no different from any other big box store that will go the way of Monkey Wards.
I am guessing it is too late for them.
Sad, they once were the best retailer with great customer service and treated customers like they wanted them to come back.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I wonder if the guys posting in this thread know Sears was bought by Kmart in 2005.