Mar-A-lago lit up at nite

eyecu2's Avatar
Sure looks pretty all lit up like that. Wonder what those federal folks were searching for down there?

Lots of ppl down there like Trump and had their flags out and boy, did they look pissed. Almost like on January at the capital. Lots of chatter about upcoming violence and CNN, fake news stuff. Fox news was already condemning it without any knowledge of what they were looking for. I'm sure it's not good for the guy who lives there. Sadly I think it will just fuel his base even more unless it's the peepee tape from Russia or Hunters laptop

Seriously though, sets a bad precedent for future presidents and administrations. There better be some there- there.

Btw-I heard it's current owner is gonna sell the place.
rmg_35's Avatar
Faux news isn't news... it's propaganda to keep mindless people misinformed and angry so they can continue to push their alt-right fascist ideas. Trump... the tangerine turd is guilty of treason.
winn dixie's Avatar
Bet the neighbors werent happy.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden is all the evil things they said Trump was.

Now he’s trying to arrest his political opponents.

Banana Republic Biden.

Sending your federal police to intimidate your political opponent. Welcome to 2022 America.
berryberry's Avatar
There's literally evidence on Hunter Biden's laptop that Senile Biden was involved in his Chinese business dealings and funded his escapades in a Russian prostitution ring and the feds are busy raiding Donald Trump's golf resort.

The president with the lowest approval ratings in our lives just had his department of justice’s FBI raid the private home of the leading candidate to replace him in the next election? This is banana republic third world level crazy. And scary.
berryberry's Avatar

The FBI raiding Donald Trump is unprecedented.

It is corrupt & an abuse of power.

What Nixon tried to do, Biden has now implemented: The Biden Admin has fully weaponized DOJ & FBI to target their political enemies.

And with 87K new IRS agents, they’re coming for YOU too.

Congress must demand answers. We need hearings; we need subpoenas.

Dems in charge will refuse, but the American people deserve to know why Biden is using the FBI as his political enforcers.

Tin-pot dictators do that, but that’s not how America works

This same DOJ:

- ignored Hunter Biden (who filmed himself committing multiple felonies);

- ignored Hillary Clinton;

- largely ignored BLM/ANTIFA rioters;

- ignored dangerous protestors outside Justices homes; &

- ignored Jeffrey Epstein’s clients.

berryberry's Avatar
People who HAVEN'T been raided by the FBI:

- Pedophiles associated with Jeffrey Epstein
- Hillary Clinton
- Hunter Biden
- Swalwell for sleeping with a Chinese spy
- Russia Hoaxers
- Black Lives Matter

Bill and Hillary Clinton took $28,000 worth of furnishings from the White House.

Obama violated the Presidential Records Act.

Why did the FBI not raid their houses?

This is a political witch hunt to take down President Trump.
Dang dude. If you're going to get triggered enough to make four posts about it, at least do them in your own words instead of parroting some politician. Also please stay on topic. This thread is about the FBI's investigation into whether or not a previous president took classified documents with him instead of turning them over to the archives.

I'll give Trump this much. I've learned so much more about random ass government agencies than I ever have in a civics course. I didn't realize that the National Archives even had that kind of authority, you know, because no one ever pushed them to use it.

Oh well, I guess this is another case of Trump's own appointees making everything all political again right?

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berryberry's Avatar
I will share whatever relevant facts that I want - if a politician makes them and if I agree with them and they are relevant - I will share them.

And I only shared a few snippets of the huge amount of outrage over this egregious act by Senile Biden and his gestapo at the DOJ and his KGB (formerly known as the FBI) by people of all walks of life

This was a politicly motivated on attack on the US Constitution and All Americans. Fuck Democrats. They just unleashed a fire they won't be able to contain
berryberry's Avatar
John Ratcliffe - Former Director of National Intelligence

Wray already admitted that the FBI fraudulently obtained multiple warrants to illegally spy on Trump as as a candidate and during presidency. If yet another FBI warrant to raid Trump’s home doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, Wray may be the last FBI Director
berryberry's Avatar
Vice President Pence

I share the deep concern of millions of Americans over the unprecedented search of the personal residence of President Trump. No former President of the United States has ever been subject to a raid of their personal residence in American history.

After years where FBI agents were found to be acting on political motivation during our administration, the appearance of continued partisanship by the Justice Department must be addressed.

Yesterday's action undermines public confidence in our system of justice and Attorney General Garland must give a full accounting to the American people as to why this action was taken and he must do so immediately.
berryberry's Avatar
Here's the actual facts of the matter:
Trump turned over documents to the archives from his Florida residence previously, some of them were classified materials. This prompted an investigation into whether or not more documents are being held in Florida. This was then handed to the FBI and had to go through an approval process to see if there was ample enough reason to issue a warrant. This approval process would have passed through multiple levels within the FBI including sign off from people that Trump himself appointed. Once it passed that it went to the DOJ for approval. Then once that was given the all clear it would have been brought to a judge for approval yet again. All of this happened without informing the White House so that claims of politicization would be pretty empty, that part was clearly pretty calculated on their part for this exact reason.

Outside of reality we have the possibility that a president who is supposedly too dimentia riddled to function ordered the FBI and DOJ to look through Trump's stuff just to make him look bad, but also they have no reason to believe that they'd find anything so it's all a stunt I guess? But they'll also use the investigation as a way to stop him from running for President even though no evidence would be uncovered? Like if this was a political hit, wouldn't that just work out in his favor?
berryberry's Avatar
You woke up in a very different America today. Every American—whatever your politics—should be deeply concerned about using the Department of Justice as a political weapon. After what they did to Donald Trump last night, no one is safe anymore. Senile Biden sending his KGB after his political opponent

Since day one, Garland has used DOJ as a political weapon. He's been the DNC's hack suing GOP states over election laws. He sent the KGB (formerly known as the FBI) after parents who attended school board meetings. And he let deranged libtards harass Supreme Court Justices at their homes.


And even if as you make excuses for this corrupt fascist regime, even if everything is legit (and there's no evidence it is), the far bigger problem is the double standard of justice. No raids for:


Right about now Democrats are realizing this isn’t a good day for them. They don’t yet know the depth of of the hell and fury they have unleashed
You know, I just laid out step by step what I truly believed happened in this circumstance. You clearly don't see that as the case, so I'm going to ask something. Do you think you could entertain me for a sec and lay out the process that you think the White House, DOJ, FBI, and National Archives went through that lead to this investigation?