Ava update

Ok like someone in here is feeding providers, (Ava) false info about me. That's right someone was telling her that I was asking off the wall inappropriate personal questions about her. After I text her earlyer today introduceing myself she asked for my ECCIE handle. After giving it to her about 2 hours later she comes back to me asking me why I'm asking people inappropriate pervie questions about her and a bunch of other BS... Basicly someone in here is telling providers lies and rumors about us. It sounds like someone in here is trying to keep her all to himself and don't want anyone else meeting with her because this person for sure shredded my reputation with this provider and now she wants nothing to do with me... Thanks a lot.

It is real sad that we can't trust eachother.

BTW Heads up cuz Karma can be a real Bitch...
Welp there is one thing that hasn’t changed about this place . Drama xontinues