Orgasms: Question for the guys and the gals

iomega's Avatar
Ladies, how much does it really matter to you if your clients are able to provide you with an orgasm during a session?

Gents, does it matter to you if you are able to provide an orgasm to your provider? Does it even cross your mind or are you so focused on your own pleasure that you don't care?
Toreador_one's Avatar
No problem with me, I ALWAYS make the lady cum 4-5 times in the first 20 minutes alone.

In all seriousness, I do try to satisfy the lady when I am with them, but truth of the matter is that I found (my experience) that it take several visits (3-4)with a lady for them to really feel comfortable with you and "let" themselves enjoy themselves, there are other circumstances they take in consideration as well. I do enjoy those sessions the best.
coolnewfriend's Avatar
Gents, does it matter to you if you are able to provide an orgasm to your provider? Does it even cross your mind or are you so focused on your own pleasure that you don't care? Originally Posted by iomega
I think it's generally a better experience if both partners can be satisfied. But at the end of the day, female orgasm can be more elusive than male orgasm. And you can't always tell if a woman has orgasmed. Plus in these situations the man is usually the one paying, so his orgasm is what the session is about. So, with all of these factors, for her to orgasm is nice, but it's not exactly necessary.
boardman's Avatar
It is important to me to think that she has had a good time. Beyond that it don't try to analyse it too much.
I have been with a few providers that obviously faked it and found that to be a big turn off.
With most women it isn't that hard to tell if they are enjoying the attention that you are giving them if you know what to look for. It is way more difficult, but not impossible, to tell if an actual orgasm took place.
I also think women's orgasms differ greatly and what one woman may consider an orgasm another woman may not.
I have been with women before that when they orgasmed they would say something like "that was different".
Once I am BCD with a woman I don't really think about whether I am paying for it or not. I will try to be the same considerate partner regardless.
I think it's generally a better experience if both partners can be satisfied. But at the end of the day, female orgasm can be more elusive than male orgasm. And you can't always tell if a woman has orgasmed. Plus in these situations the man is usually the one paying, so his orgasm is what the session is about. So, with all of these factors, for her to orgasm is nice, but it's not exactly necessary. Originally Posted by coolnewfriend
I personally have found that a lot of gents I see do seem to care A LOT if I reach O. I always try to tell them what you said, this time is about you and your pleasure, not so much mine.

I think some people are just more of a giver and they get off better if they can make the person they are with do it first.
It's been talked about over and over again on the forums and the general consensus amongst the providers is that they are here for YOU. Many can and will orgasm but it's a good idea if that isn't what the session is focused on. Some have basically stated to not even bother. Just be clean & courteous, get yours and be happy.

For the majority of women an orgasm is just as much a mental as a physical thing. Guys too but the mental bit tends to be on a much lower scale.

I do my best at trying to put my date at ease with me by being myself (i suck at putting on a second face which would likely lead to apprehensiveness). If you can get a lady to relax and feel comfortable around you then chances of her achieving orgasm are going to at least be within the realm of possibility. Sometimes that might mean a couple of visits like T1 mentioned. When I have a session it involves some catering to her because it's part of what I enjoy. So technically it is still all about me
notanewbie's Avatar
spot on island beau.
boardman's Avatar
Well Said, IB
blowpop's Avatar
For me, it depends on the session.

In many cases, I schedule to give myself a mini-vacation. Then I like it to be all about me. But if time allows, and she's in the mood, I have no problem reciprocating.

But sometimes if there's the right connection, I prefer more of a give-and-take session. (Especially if the provider has a submissive side.)
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Ladies, how much does it really matter to you if your clients are able to provide you with an orgasm during a session? Originally Posted by iomega
It doesn't matter at all to me. Though it does seem to matter A LOT to a lot of my clients. Most guys get off to getting a girl off. So, I try my best to accommodate. If I can see that they are really eager to ring my bell, I might provide them with some tips as to how to go about it, otherwise we could spend the whole hour and never get there.

Occasionally I will get a client who doesn't seem the slightest bit interested in pleasing me -- or a client who is just no good at it. That's OK. They're the ones who are paying after all. It's not like I can't get myself off once they head out the door.
ibechill's Avatar
What sucks is when the provider can't ring a client's bell.
boardman's Avatar
What sucks is when the provider can't ring a client's bell. Originally Posted by ibechill
That happened to me once. With an exceptional provider. Just one of those days. I don't know who was more embarrassed.
jjflash's Avatar
Gents, does it matter to you if you are able to provide an orgasm to your provider? Originally Posted by iomega
If she is paying me -- yes. Otherwise, it's nice but not a requirement.
carkido45's Avatar
If she has one cool if she doesn't have one ok, but I'm going get mine maybe twice and on a good day three times.
boardman's Avatar
If she has one cool if she doesn't have one ok, but I'm going get mine maybe twice and on a good day three times. Originally Posted by carkido45
I hate you!!!!!