How did you get your screen name?

I went to Honolulu a few years back on vacation and just fell in love with the place. Ever since then I've been dreaming about going back, and the area code is 808. Dreaming 808
Danielle Reid's Avatar
It's my porn name. My mother told me I was going to be named Danielle but she choose another name. And my agent (a while back) told me I needed a normal sounding last name so I randomly picked Reid. Yep no interesting story. Just something random
albundy's Avatar
I love " Married...With Children". Al is supposedly a loser on that show. I'd give my left nut for his life!

He has a super gorgeous, red-head wife with big tits who is always begging to fuck. His house is clean, so Peggy can't be nearly as lazy as my wife is. She fixes "toaster leavings" which is more than my wife cooks. He gets to hang out with his buddies in strip clubs without having to hear shit about it.

I, on the other hand, have a super gorgeous wife with big tits also, but she NEVER wants to fuck anymore. My house is a disaster area even though the kids are in school all day and she doesn't have a job. I eat fast food almost daily because she would go into seizures if she turned on a stove apparently. And I have to hear shit the few times I do get to do something with friends.

I envy Al Bundy.
I wish I had put more thought into my screen name. Since I've been here I have seen some great ones. I drive a civic so that's where mine came from.
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
Google mine
feetnstuff187's Avatar
Mine's mostly self explanatory. I like feet and stuff, lol. 187 is cause I'm a baaaaad man.
It was my childhood nick name. It is a name that can be used in public with out sounding silly.
I have a lot of Irish and Scottish heritage. So it's kind of a salute to Breaveheart with a purposeful misspelling of Celtic.
Marshpirate's Avatar
I took a girl fishing out in the marsh. Lot's of rum. Not very many fish caught. She surrendered the booty. Arrrrrrgggghh, the good times!
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
My teens and 20s were in the 1960s & 1970s. I had some, shall we say, psychedelic experiences. Dog is because I like sniffin' and lickin'.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Military saying
I think mine's pretty self explanatory.
I don't know
My adult film agent picked it. Actually we compromised he wanted "Jaycee Montanna" I wanted Cassandra Rivers. We compromised. Later when I joined I simply used the same adult film name in an effort to allow gentlemen to see I was "safe" and "known"