The oceans11 school of thought is to be just funny and intriguing enough to make her smile but leave no permanent memory.
For any hobbyist that likes this block, he will probably see more than one or two providers. In most cases he will also use the previous provider as a reference. We usually need more than just a name and number UNLESS you have singled yourself out. There's nothing that bugs a provider more than someone saying, " Do you know John... Really?
The ones I remember the best did something small to let me know they think more of me than just another provider.
Give the gift in a card not just an envelope. It could even be the little greeting cards we are all sent for free over Christmas.
Tip her even 5 dollars. (Of course tips are not necessary but that 5 bucks will solidify you in her memory more often than not.)
The biggest one: Have a special name for yourself or come up with one together during the session. (Once you do it once you'll have it from then on to use.) Handles here are perfect. I'd take a handle over a real name any day of the week. I have a few where we came up with their name together in session and I will never ever forget them.