The Truth about Bandles

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2015, 03:46 PM
As there has been so much discussion on Fandles, Bandles, Mandles lately I wanted to clear up some confusion.

Bandles, from the latin word "Bandleshit", are found in every chat room across the internet. They cross over racial as well as social boundaries. They all have commonalities such as disgusting appearances, horrible personalities & are often stricken with pronounced erectile dysfunctional tendencies. In fact, many bandles have no reproductive organs at all. And in some rare cases, have their appendages (read: PENIS) protruding from their face.

Bandles are largely worthless to an online community, although at times they CAN drive traffic. Much in the way people gawk when passing a fatal accident, they will click on posts to see what the bandle is up to & to see if it has died.

Contrary to popular myth, bandles are NOT born. They are shat. Many creatures can shat out a bandle, but the most popular are elephants as they can unload prodigiously large bandles.

Some growing online communities-those not yet seasoned-will actually PAY for bandles to infect their chat boards. Below I've posted a video of an unnamed MOD harvesting a fresh crop of bandles.
powermad's Avatar
Broken record... does anyone give a shit?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2015, 07:06 PM
Broken record... does anyone give a shit? Originally Posted by powermad
Oh lookie! Theres one now. Ricky, when you were shat outta the elephants anus was it all at once or did you see a light at the end of the tunnel that you swam towards?

Do Bandles shyt out all at once, or is it like "plop, plop, plop"?

Since you've been shyt out multiple times, is it always the same effect? Is it scary or like a carnival ride? Were all your brother bandles shyt all at once or was there a gap before you were flushed?

Enquiring minds need to know...
powermad's Avatar
Blah blah blah moron.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2015, 07:25 PM
Blah blah blah moron. Originally Posted by powermad
Theres a little Elephant shit in your ear Ricky...might want to dig it out before you go out in public...
powermad's Avatar
Hey SOULFLY how about you remind the people why you were banned last hypocrite?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2015, 07:28 PM
Hey SOULFLY how about you remind the people why you were banned last hypocrite? Originally Posted by powermad
Bla, bla, bla....angry little man rant. Do you EVER have a good day?

Will you EVER see your real handle again?

Now answer the questions, what does it feel like to be shat outta an elephants rectum so many times?
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
And Ricky comes back with his Self Alert. Welcome back Ricky. What is the bandle count now?

Hey SOULFLY how about you remind the people why you were banned last hypocrite? Originally Posted by powermad
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2015, 07:37 PM
And Ricky comes back with his Self Alert. Welcome back Ricky. What is the bandle count now? Originally Posted by Mike Vronsky
Dammit Mike! LOL I was going to ask him that question.

Ricky, many bandles have you fried this year? 10? 20?

Dammit Mike! LOL I was going to ask him that question.

Ricky, many bandles have you fried this year? 10? 20?
Originally Posted by Toyz
He can easily switch from powermad to powermullet.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2015, 07:45 PM
He can easily switch from powermad to powermullet.
Originally Posted by Observing
Which brings up an entirely different does one come up with so many lame handles? I mean, 80's bands were bad enough....but POWERMAD? IS he going to copy names from every sucky band between 1980 & 1990??
Which brings up an entirely different does one come up with so many lame handles? I mean, 80's bands were bad enough....but POWERMAD? IS he going to copy names from every sucky band between 1980 & 1990?? Originally Posted by Toyz

" does one come up with so many lame handles? "
Never grew the fuck up.
RandB fan's Avatar
We have a hippo which one could that one be???

Maybe a poll?

As there has been so much discussion on Fandles, Bandles, Mandles lately I wanted to clear up some confusion.

Bandles, from the latin word "Bandleshit", are found in every chat room across the internet. They cross over racial as well as social boundaries. They all have commonalities such as disgusting appearances, horrible personalities & are often stricken with pronounced erectile dysfunctional tendencies. In fact, many bandles have no reproductive organs at all. And in some rare cases, have their appendages (read: PENIS) protruding from their face.

Bandles are largely worthless to an online community, although at times they CAN drive traffic. Much in the way people gawk when passing a fatal accident, they will click on posts to see what the bandle is up to & to see if it has died.

Contrary to popular myth, bandles are NOT born. They are shat. Many creatures can shat out a bandle, but the most popular are elephants as they can unload prodigiously large bandles.

Some growing online communities-those not yet seasoned-will actually PAY for bandles to infect their chat boards. Below I've posted a video of an unnamed MOD harvesting a fresh crop of bandles.
Originally Posted by Toyz
Bob McV's Avatar
Which brings up an entirely different does one come up with so many lame handles? I mean, 80's bands were bad enough....but POWERMAD? IS he going to copy names from every sucky band between 1980 & 1990?? Originally Posted by Toyz
Guess we'll find out today when he makes a new account.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-28-2015, 06:40 AM
Broken record... does anyone give a shit? Originally Posted by powermad
Could you repeat the question?

Oh no, I guess you can't...

I was just sitting here having breakfast & saw that Ricky has left us again...I guess someone gives a shit, huh?