Google Voice Help Requested

i am attempting to understand Google Voice. i plan to use this solely for hobbying.

my points of access include -
laptop's browsers - IE8, Chrome, Firefox and logged into Voice account
iPhone 4 with Voice app loaded and logged in
iPad Mini with cellular with Voice app loaded and logged in

i have acquired a unique Voice phone number.

i have successfully traded texts with a Provider via Voice.

i have not been successful using the voice feature from any of the three points of access above. what an i doing wrong?

should i activate Click2Call option?

advice please.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
GVoice>Settings>Making Calls> choose
tell me about Click2Call option
You have to verify your actual cell number on the GV website to make calls using your iPhone. See below also.

I recommend just using GV app on the iPhone for calls. Make sure you change the setting in GV to make calls using you GV number and not your cell number. You can use all three however for texting.