What every ECCIE member knows: #MeToo double sword

Scribe's Avatar

No Duh...
Women are just as sexual as men, and for every male inappropriate advance (or what is #MeToo feminist claimed "assault") situation, there's an equal number of women just as guilty. Some aggressiveness is almost required for socio-sexual mating... otherwise it would just be people walking around saying "sex? No?" (Next person) "sex? No?"... ALL animals CHOOSE a mate, based on the instigator's ability to precipitate a mating event. That takes "some form of "forward" or "agressive" behavior.

And many people (male and female) are attracted to younger people... but everybody knows, "don't go for jailbait"

Let's see what happens to a female statutory rapist.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
TexTushHog's Avatar
I know sexual assault is a serious problem, especially fir women in our society. And maybe this guy legitimately had a lot of problems.

That being said, although it’s been a long time ago, I think I can say without too much fear of contradiction that this gal could have assaulted the hell out of me when I was 17 and I wouldn’t have had any problem with it. Except coming in about two seconds the first time. The next 10 or 12, I’d have done better. Then, after the first hour, I might have had to tap out — but I doubt it!!
dallasfan's Avatar
That was pretty funny though. Especially rose mcgowens reaction.
Another hypocrite among many
PeterBota's Avatar

No Duh...
Women are just as sexual as men, and for every male inappropriate advance (or what is #MeToo feminist claimed "assault") situation, there's an equal number of women just as guilty. Some aggressiveness is almost required for socio-sexual mating... otherwise it would just be people walking around saying "sex? No?" (Next person) "sex? No?"... ALL animals CHOOSE a mate, based on the instigator's ability to precipitate a mating event. That takes "some form of "forward" or "agressive" behavior.

And many people (male and female) are attracted to younger people... but everybody knows, "don't go for jailbait"

Let's see what happens to a female statutory rapist. Originally Posted by Scribe
Hopefully death by robe belt.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Dammm near was raped last week
Fucked this SB multiple times. No issues.
occasionally I stop by and we will chat and have lunch
Was not in the mood for any sec as I had to stay loaded for the SO later and get back to work.
On my way out she attacked me. Litterley has to pry her off
She even dropped down holding onto my leg as I was trying to escape out the door begging me to fuck her
Finally escaped but shocked
And the rest of the day she sent videos of her fingering herself
Don’t really know what got into her
Maybe attachment
But at this time I decided to cut this off
It took me 15 minutes to just get out of her house
rexdutchman's Avatar
what is #MeToo feminist claimed "assault" The Social justices worriers are trying to make works and Assault
Sorry people saying to someone " you have nice fill in the blank Is NOT and ASSAULT these snowflakes need to go back to the basement.
txexetoo's Avatar
Dammm near was raped last week
Fucked this SB multiple times. No issues.
occasionally I stop by and we will chat and have lunch
Was not in the mood for any sec as I had to stay loaded for the SO later and get back to work.
On my way out she attacked me. Litterley has to pry her off
She even dropped down holding onto my leg as I was trying to escape out the door begging me to fuck her
Finally escaped but shocked
And the rest of the day she sent videos of her fingering herself
Don’t really know what got into her
Maybe attachment
But at this time I decided to cut this off
It took me 15 minutes to just get out of her house Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
Send me her contact info. I will take her off your hands😎
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
1/2 BSC 1/2 Nympho
It’s like a fuckin roller coaster.
Just today at the lake
She’s all into Dt and Bam decided to bite
Fuck. They damm near found a body in lake ray H
Took her back to the room
Where she looks at me and says
Sorry. I know I deserve punishment
I've never understood how a woman could sexual assault a man. The man would have to have something to assault and to me that would make him a willing happy to see you too participant. Poor poor little dumbass boy. Even if he is gay...he gave her something to assault smfh
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
So if a pussy gets wet during rape it’s no longer assault ??

No. Is No
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
not for a minute do i believe this guy was assaulted. he had a chance to hookup with an older woman and willingly took it. most of us would call that a fantasy cum true lol.


does this guy look traumatized?? no he does not. he has the look of "i just got fucked and i liked it" about him.

i wouldn't surprise me if she did initiate this but i think this is nothing more than a shake down for money.

Rose McGowan is just as phony as this guy. i read that she was told by some lawyer that since she had done sexual scenes in film roles a jury wouldn't believe her. who was her lawyer, Avenatti? did not go to the police either so zero evidence.

that would generally make her an accomplice to every woman Harvey took advantage of for the last 20 years or so by taking a pay off rather than pressing charges. the police would have investigated if she had and with a exam for sexual assault they could have had evidence.