time to completely fade into the shadows

MLisa's Avatar
  • MLisa
  • 04-25-2013, 08:57 PM
Its been wonderful and fun time. But it is time for me to officially slip away and leave this field to the younger of skin and heart. I have made wonderful friends here and was blessed to have been graced by a wonderful variety of individuals. Thank you to you all.

Take care, have fun and remember its all about stimulating the brain and the senses to their highest peaks. And nothing more.

I am off to continue exploring but in different worlds and realities.

I wish you the absolute best; I'm sure you will be missed.
Didn't get to meet you but wishing you the best on your new path!
Sexy and pure class.
inctown's Avatar
Sorry I never got the chance to see you but I hope you enjoy retirement
sharkman29's Avatar
Sorry to see you go, Mlisa. We had some great times in the past. Some great doubles sessions and some great singles. Some wild times at some clubs too. You are a class act and will be missed by me and I'm sure all who know you!
Awww , well I don't know what to say ...I will miss you pretty lady...I am so honored to have had the pleasure not only to have gotten to know you but to have experienced you wonderful gentle yet firm touch.

Ill never forget our fun at various clubs ...you are one of the most wonderful classiest ladies I have met thus far and I am so going to miss you terribly ...please don't be a stranger ...and I wish you the best of luck in you endeavors you will without a doubt be missed.
I can only hope that when it is time for me to turn in my thigh highs I will have gained the respect and status that you have in this industry...
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Wow, I know you will be missed by many! Thank you for always being so prompt when replying to my email requests. I know you'll be happy in whatever you pursue in this world. Best wishes beautiful one!

chicagoboy's Avatar
Best of luck, sugar!
08cris's Avatar
Good Luck in your new Hobby!!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
MLisa, I loved our time together. You were one of those special ladies who could practically read a man's mind during a session as to what he wanted.

You were so much fun to be around, good luck in your future endeavors.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Good luck and enjoy your retirement!
linux's Avatar
  • linux
  • 04-26-2013, 09:50 AM
Wow. You guys are slacking. No o/u yet?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not on this one.....
Diabolo's Avatar
Yes, MLisa is in a whole different class.

Best of lucks, babe! have a great life!