Hobby Rule #1

Recently I have seen a couple threads where the guy was complaining that when he got to his session the lady was out of or didn't provide condoms.

Guys this is an obvious thing not to forget when you are heading to a session. I always have at least two or more condoms with me when I arrive.
There is no set rule that the ladies have to provide them. It is a great thing that 99% do but things do happen and you don't want your fun time to be ruined because of something so easy to take care of.

I do expect the lady to have them but I certainly won't write anything negative about them if they don't.
I'm an adult and do take responsibility for my own safety and do bring the protection I need.
It's a no brainer.

If you are afraid the SO may find your condom stash , there are lots of hobby hints posted about how to make and hide a hobby kit so that you are always prepared for just about any situation.
TinMan's Avatar
I don't agree with you at all on this. It IS expected that the lady supply protection. I consider it a major inconvenience if she doesn't, as I will have to make an extra stop beforehand. And if she doesn't tell me before I get there, I damn sure will make a negative comment in my review.
Completely agree with the TinMan. I don't bring a plate with me when I go out to eat either.
oglfp12's Avatar
Looie, you are probably smart, but I have to agree with TinMan and Shack. I expect the provider to provide that basic necessity. So far, I have never been disappointed.
You may re-read if you like.I said 99% of the ladies do provide the condoms.
If a man isn't adult enough to take responsibilty for his own health into consideration thats his business.
I will always carry condoms to a session with me.
ITS Called being Safe.
Plus let me clarify. I DO think the ladies should provide the condoms for their own safety. No chance of getting cut condoms ,etc when they provide them themselves.
The point of this post is that if you take responsibilty to always be prepared and to be safe , condoms should never be an issue and the fun can proceed.
TinMan's Avatar
Looie, you're going to find close to 99% of the guys disagreeing with you on this point, and I suspect most women as well. Once again you are trying to lecture us on a practice that is already well-established among responsible providers in the community: the woman supplies the condoms. I've been doing this for 20+ years, and that has been a given my entire hobby career.
DallasRain's Avatar
I think a provider should "provide" everything...hence the name "provider"...lol!

a guy just needs to show up,ready for fun!
I agree with the above statements. It's up to the lady to provide condoms, every time all the time, and it is unprofessional if they can't provide the basics. Nothing wrong with a guy bringing his own if he wants or is able, but to expect hobbyists to carry around condoms is not realistic, and not part of the 'deal' IMO. That's the provider's job.

It would be great if guys could carry that stuff around just in case, but sometimes that just isn't possible.
so tinman what part of I think the ladies should provide the condoms do you not understand? What I am saying is that the guy should always be prepared.
What is wrong with that?
I never lecture. I give my opinion.
No one has to take my opinions to heart or think of them as gospel.
I have myself ran into the problem of the lady not having condoms on numerous occasions. Because I was prepared the session went without a hitch.
You want to roll the dice more power to you.
I see a couple of ladies have chimed in. Well I will say again it is not uncommon for this to happen. thats why I posted this. So maybe the ladies are supposed to have them but it doesn't mean it is always the case.
I keep condoms, breath mints. and other essentials with me whenever I hobby.
I didn't come up with these ideas.This is one of the first things I read about in the main forums when I started hobbying.
A good hobbyist is always prepared.
TinMan's Avatar
You state it as "Hobby Rule #1", and that we shouldn't be critical if a lady doesn't provide them. That's lecturing.

I do expect the lady to have them but I certainly won't write anything negative about them if they don't. Originally Posted by looiecypher
I disagree with this statement. I think that is a valuable piece of information showing the provider was not prepared.

I have been asked to bring condoms and have done so. Showing up and finding out she doesn't have any is IMHO unacceptable.
One of the things I picked up when I started, 4 years ago (lol), we are not to bring them. I was told that most providers would not feel comfortable because the condom could have been pierced before arrival. That would cause it to tear and the session ends up BB.
popcorn time this will go on and on and on and on

just for the record i agree with the provider providing. i have come to believe as of late that is ok for boys to bring toys for the ladies, toys are fun for all.
Torito's Avatar
popcorn time this will go on and on and on and on
Originally Posted by atxrefman
Yes, and it will be peaceful.......or closed.

Well I will always have mine with me just in case.
Everyone can do as they like, geez louise you try to make a suggestion or point and get a boatload of crap.
As I said no one has to take my suggestions to heart.
Tinman you can read into my posts whatever you like. If I ever decide to lecture I assure you ,you will know.