Pucker face pics? Am I just old?

OK, I have been seeing some providers who post what I call "pucker pics". Does anyone think those pics look good? I laugh because sometimes the "pucker face" is combined with it's good friend the "peace sign"... Ugh...

Am I just getting old? Does anyone else but me laugh at the way these pics look?

Please tell me I am not the only one who has noticed...
aRandyOne's Avatar
Well thank goodness, somebody else thinks that this just looks like a duck face. Wanna look stupid? Pucker up.
I don't think that some of these girls realize that what works on MySpace and Facebook is going to appeal to an older guy that has what they need: Cash & time.
Consider your target market, ladies...dress like what WE want (and grow back a bush if you want to stand out from the crowd) Look like the women that imprinted on us in the dark ages - Marilyn Monroe never puckered like that. (and she had a bush)
OK - kind of agree but I can't endorse the bush thing...

I think a smooth shave is nice - extra nice...

But back to the "pucker face"...

OK - stepping into DANGEROUS territory here... Does anyone else think that it make the face look fat?


(I am ducked down under my desk ready for the nuclear attack)
stevesanderson's Avatar
Apparently we are not alone..found this on the web. I do not believe they are referring to prostitutes when they say "whores"..I think they mean "cam whores".

can't find the post you are referring to on 4chan.org...

SirThomasTew's Avatar
In the television world it's called "bitter beer face" although I did tell one little filly her pucker face should come with a hook to look more realistic.
Gang signs in photos turn me off more than puckering.
One lass referred to it as her "putrid blowjob face" - hot days, motorcycles, and a long ride to the incall do not mix well.
Go back and look at ANY pics of the chic who took down Elliot Spitzer. She's ALL about the "pucker face". Gheeez...

I think its supposed to make you look like you have pouty lips....wtf ever!
"Putrid Blowjob Face"

WTF? I don't even know where to start...
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I have checked out providers in Dallas and providers in other cities and I have to say it seems like the girls here put way less effort into their photos. It is really annoying to a provider who takes time to get professional pics.

We get out of this business what we put into it. Investment is the difference between an escort and a hooker.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-08-2010, 06:51 AM
I will never hear the Lady Gaga song again without thinking. P-p-p-Pucker Face.

We must stamp out "bring back bush" talk whenever it begins to grow (pun intended and apologized for)
Lauren Lane's Avatar
We must stamp out "bring back bush" talk whenever it begins to grow (pun intended and apologized for) Originally Posted by Fiero

LMAO! That was a good early morning chuckle for me
krusty's Avatar
Jasser's Avatar
Age has nothing to do with it, the duckface pics are very annoying. Also, if you are a guy and you take a picture performing the duckface pose, you are a Certified Douchebag with Premium Access to all douchebaggery.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
I must agree. I guess I am getting old and cranky, but I have less tolerance for "silly" crap and a pucker face just looks silly...

Since I'm on my soap box, what's up with all the stupid behavior lately? She borrowed money and didn't pay me back...He didn't pay me a cancellation fee...Should I get involved with him/her on a personal level?...Guys "managing" girls....Does she have a pimp?...He/she is stalking me....the list goes on.

We could make a soap opera out this stuff. Call it "Days of Our Idiots"...
  • PL
  • 07-08-2010, 09:40 AM
You think its bad here, go to a dating site. Fucking ridiculous 40+ year old bitches posing with their teenage daughters and everyone is sucking the cheeks in and flashing Cryp & Blood signs....

I think it starts with models who suck the cheeks in to look thinner. Dumb bitches anyway you stack them.

Oh, and another thing. If you are a woman on a dating site, don't go posting pics with your hot 17 year old daughter and you. You don't stack up well with the young hottie. I don't go posing at the beach next to Zach Efron either.