She Jedi Mind Fucked This Dude So Hard I Had To Laugh!

Seirus's Avatar
Ok. So, I'm watching "Blue" on Youtube. It's the web series about Julia Stiles (from "Save The Last Dance") as an accountant by day and an escort at night. In the show, she has a son (who's ass needs to be whipped for being such a little smart ass but I digress). In this one episode I watched earlier, she met a guy at the bar and Jedi mind fucked this dude so hard that it was CLASSIC! Damn you women and your manipulations!

***note to mods***
I'm NOT trying to promote anything. I just thought this was so damn funny that I wanted to share it!
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Yes i saw that episode. i was like Damn. wish I had that kinda pull, but i doubt i could have pulled that off