What Happens to the Girls!

I recently ran across a survey [topic removed - staff] They were asked if they masturbated and if they did, how often. I was surprised at the responses...a vast majority of them said yes, and a lot of them stated they did it multiple times daily!!

So I'm wondering, if they enjoyed it so much in their early years, what in tarnations happens to their biology that makes them desire sex so much less years later (and I'm talking 7-10 years). For a vast majority of my male friends with wives ages 22-30, talk about hardly getting an sex! And when they do, its only after begging incessantly. What's up with that! I know, this happened to me (and is still happening, that's why I hobby, of course). So plz ladies, you all were teens once, shed some light on this subject...WHAT HAPPENS! I'm curious as hell.

Thank u ladies for joining this great club! U'll have blessed (and saved) my life!
fletch's Avatar
hotamale...not trying to derail the topic cause i think its a great one. however i think you should be asking this question to a 'womens book club'.

most of the women on here like sex or they wouldn't be in this line of work, (at least i think).
I've never masturbated. Doesn't do anything for me and never has.. And penis/tongue is always readily available so what's the point.. LOL. I noticed my libido HAS gone down but that varies and it's due to my birth control shot... But other than that I'm usually ready for sex whenever.. Especially if it's GOOD
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Um, life happens. Its hard to be in the mood when your having babies, raising young kids, raising a husband, tending to a house, working a full time job, etc etc. Stress is the biggest mood killer. My desire practically vanished between 26 - 38.
fletch's Avatar
Um, life happens. Its hard to be in the mood when your having babies, raising young kids, raising a husband, tending to a house, working a full time job, etc etc. Stress is the biggest mood killer. My desire practically vanished between 26 - 38. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
i get all of those things, but shouldn't sharing intimate time with your so provide some relief from those issues?...
addict's Avatar
I've been raging, uncontrollably horny for any woman on earth... except my SO. I assume women cam feel exactly the same way. So maybe it's not her, it's you (I mean that generally).
omakase's Avatar
Masters and Johnson said that women's sex drive picks up after 30. While men begin declining around the same time. The average crosses around 35 for both sexes.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Why does the bride wear such a big smile?

Because she knows she'll never have to give another blowjob.
jbravo_123's Avatar
In general, sex is more of a mental thing for women than it is for men. As Ms. Lynn points out, real life can put a real damper on how you're feeling about yourself and most women probably aren't feeling very sexy after a day at the office or at home cleaning / cooking / taking care of the kids, etc.

I would also guess that like men, once you've been with the same person for a long time, women can get bored just as easily as men do.

Once the new relationship energy is over and things have settled down, people tend to get into a rut.
Um, life happens. Its hard to be in the mood when your having babies, raising young kids, raising a husband, tending to a house, working a full time job, etc etc. Stress is the biggest mood killer. My desire practically vanished between 26 - 38. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn

Yup! Best salt peter in the world are kids in the house. Dirty diapers, feedings, teething, gas, colic, up every 3 or 4 hours to rock them back to sleep, outlet protectors, stairway gates leaving innumerable restaurants when she cries to be let out of the high chair, throws her bottle at aother table, smiles when you say "No" and only stays asleep for the 15 minute "Drive-of-Shame" back to the house. Then No. 2 arrives. Repeat the above for 3 more years. Add potty training, "Share your toys!" "Do NOT touch the dog there!" and finding your name on the "Do Not Serve!" list of your favorite restaurant. When the final daughter moved out we went on the MolestYourSpouse Tour for about 4 years before tapering down to current levels. The ebb and flow of sex in one's life.
boomvang's Avatar
Um, life happens. Its hard to be in the mood when your having babies, raising young kids, raising a husband, tending to a house, working a full time job, etc etc. Stress is the biggest mood killer. My desire practically vanished between 26 - 38. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
We are so fortunate as men to have been spared all of these maladies in any shape form or fashion.
Cause all [topic removed - staff] who are not good in bed, used them, disrespected them...and over the years, their sex drive hasn't decreased....they'd just rather masturbate than dealing with all the bs.. :-)
boomvang's Avatar
Cause all [topic removed - staff] who are not good in bed, used them, disrespected them...and over the years, their sex drive hasn't decreased....they'd just rather masturbate than dealing with all the bs.. :-) Originally Posted by samantha thom
Oh Yeah! We are so fortunate as men that there is so little "BS" associated with women.

Enthusiasm and a perpetual hard on has to count for something.
Duke of G's Avatar
Ladies and gents, please read the guidelines:

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
oh i hope I never lose my sex drive I might cry