Anybody voting for Omalley?

bambino's Avatar
Maybe WTF, they're both twits.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
if i was going to vote democrat i would consider O'Malley. he's far and away better than either Bernie the socialist or the Hildebeast.

unfortunately he has little chance at the nomination.

if either Bernie the socialist or the Hildebeast get the democratic nomination i'll vote for whomever the Republicans nominate by default.
bambino's Avatar
if i was going to vote democrat i would consider O'Malley. he's far and away better than either Bernie the socialist or the Hildebeast.

unfortunately he has little chance at the nomination.

if either Bernie the socialist or the Hildebeast get the democratic nomination i'll vote for whomever the Republicans nominate by default. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Cmon man, he's a faggot.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Cmon man, he's a faggot. Originally Posted by bambino
O'Malley isn't a faggot. just being democrat doesn't make him a fag.

besides, America elected a closet homo twice didn't they? so why would that disqualify O'Malley?

bambino's Avatar
He's a sissy boy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i typically vote the Republican slate as a matter of conservative principle but if you could find a democrat that actually had conservative stands on issues, i'd consider voting for him, depending on who the Republican running against him is and what their stands are.

obviously, neither the Hildebitch or bernie the socialist fits that criteria.

while i am a life long Republican, i'm now a mix of Republican and Libertarian values.

to a large degree the Republicans have lost their way, they have allowed huge spending, which is not conservative and big Government which is definitely not the conservative way.

O'Malley might still be too liberal for me, i have no idea because i don't care to bother to find out. first, because he has little chance to win the democratic nomination (when the Hildebitch is indicted the dems will flock to bernie not O'Malley) and second because basically all the Republicans are talking the same overall talking points in most cases.

but if you only had the democratic candidates to choose from, i'd vote for O'Malley in a second over either bernie the socialist or especially the Hildebitch.
bambino's Avatar
i typically vote the Republican slate as a matter of conservative principle but if you could find a democrat that actually had conservative stands on issues, i'd consider voting for him, depending on who the Republican running against him is and what their stands are.

obviously, neither the Hildebitch or bernie the socialist fits that criteria.

while i am a life long Republican, i'm now a mix of Republican and Libertarian values.

to a large degree the Republicans have lost their way, they have allowed huge spending, which is not conservative and big Government which is definitely not the conservative way.

O'Malley might still be too liberal for me, i have no idea because i don't care to bother to find out. first, because he has little chance to win the democratic nomination (when the Hildebitch is indicted the dems will flock to bernie not O'Malley) and second because basically all the Republicans are talking the same overall talking points in most cases.

but if you only had the democratic candidates to choose from, i'd vote for O'Malley in a second over either bernie the socialist or especially the Hildebitch. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm also a mix of Libertarian and a conservative. But Omalley is too much of a twit. I would vote for any of the Republicans that are running over the Twit Omalley. Fiorina has bigger balls.
bambino's Avatar
Who? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Who? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Exactly Originally Posted by bambino
the who? i'm ok with that