BP single mom

WTOilMan's Avatar
Hey I exchanged emails with this slit. It looks fake but I exchanged 10 or more emails with the chick. She said she had to feed her 9yo girl and needed the money quick. I said I had cash I could give her and she turned it down. She said the only way was through paypal. She wouldn't meet for cash. She wanted me to send her money from my paypal account. Sounded flippin' crazy to me.

When she found out I wouldn't do that she stopped writing to me. Make up your own mind.


it would be retarded to do so. i dont care how bad the situation is. too many scammers these days.
omakase's Avatar
I'm a Nigerian prince who needs help transferring money out of my country ...
Sleepy363's Avatar
Clearly a scammer. A woman who needed money for food would not turn down cash.
she probably thought your picture was ugly.
jezzee's Avatar
That bites, several years ago I answered something similar but she also did cleaning svc etc. and it ended up with about 10 really fun meetings at Exec Spa and my place, for very reasonable donations. Too bad she moved away.
She is a whack job!!!! Only speaking fron experience over a year ago...
Seems kind of stupid of her to use paypal though, they are pretty good at getting your money back. But I agree, why did she think you were giving her the money? Charity?