Who will be the GOP nominee in 2016?

I figure we're about 18 to 22 months away from the beginning of the campaign. Who do the Republicans expect to be players?
timpage, I certainly am not a Republicant but I truly hope their nominee is the Weiner Luvin' Fag in your avatar. If so, Hillary will take the Weiner Luvin Fag to the cleaners!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hillary vs Perry!

Bring it!
timpage, I certainly am not a Republicant but I truly hope their nominee is the weiner luvin' guy in your avatar. If so, Hillary will take the Weiner Luver to the cleaners! Originally Posted by bigtex
LOL. Rick Perry has already indicated he will be a player...or at least he thinks so. And while I wouldn't discount the stupidity of GOP voters that might make him the nominee....I kinda fucking doubt it. Although, I'd be delighted.

I'm more interested in hearing from the whackadoos on the board than you Tex. You know...those crazies that will vote for somebody like Perry or Bachman or Santorum or some other totally insanely unqualified crazy lunatic candidate like the last go round.... or....whoever....you tell me you crazy-azz republican whackjobs!
chefnerd's Avatar
One new name being batted around is Dr. Ben Carson. Seems to have come into prominence lately.


One thing for sure though, whoever the GOP decides on, if they wish to actually win, that person may have to do what Clinton did in 1992. Tell the extremist base to STFU.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I think right now, their best shot is Marco Rubio. Clean cut, well spoken, Latino. Relatively moderate from the looks of it.

He's like a more conservative Obama (the whitest black guy you can get).
I figure we're about 18 to 22 months away from the beginning of the campaign. Originally Posted by timpage
In that case, why don't we wait another 18 to 22 months to see who is even interested in running, who hasn't died of a heart attack, who hasn't decided to retire, etc.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think right now, their best shot is Marco Rubio. Clean cut, well spoken, Latino. Relatively moderate from the looks of it.

He's like a more conservative Obama (the whitest black guy you can get). Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Main stream media has four years to attack Rubio and make him look like some sort of nut. By 2016, he won't even be in the running. They'll do the same thing to Rand Paul.

In four more years, the freeloaders will 67% instead of 47% and it won't matter who the Republicans nominate.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
In that case, why don't we wait another 18 to 22 months to see who is even interested in running, who hasn't died of a heart attack, who hasn't decided to retire, etc. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Or who might be stupid enough to want all the bullshit that come with being a candidate.
In that case, why don't we wait another 18 to 22 months to see who is even interested in running, who hasn't died of a heart attack, who hasn't decided to retire, etc. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I agree. Way to much can happen in 18-22 months.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm curious, who is the likely candidate for the democrats in 2016? You have Hillary and Hillary, or maybe Hillary, and don't forget Hillary. Wow! What a bench.
I'm curious, who is the likely candidate for the democrats in 2016? You have Hillary and Hillary, or maybe Hillary, and don't forget Hillary. Wow! What a bench. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If Hillary decides to run, the only question mark will be:

Who will she select as her running mate?

The nomination is hers, if she wants it!

Over and above that, the West Wing is hers, if she wants it!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm afraid you are right, BiSex. And she will win. The country will lose, again.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If Hillary decides to run, the only question mark will be:

Who will she select as her running mate?

The nomination is hers, if she wants it!

Over and above that, the West Wing is hers, if she wants it! Originally Posted by bigtex
I thought I read recently that Biden was thinking about a run for the big chair?

Hillary vs Biden? That could be ...awkward. All I can see is Shrillary going off on Biden about his "tactics and behavior in this campaign". LOL!

I thought I read recently that Biden was thinking about a run for the big chair?

Hillary vs Biden? That could be ...awkward. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I do not believe it will be awkward at all. Biden is a seasoned enough politician to know that Hillary will have the support of the Democratic establishment, should she decide to run. If nothing else, Biden knows how to read tea leaves. Biden and one or two others may give her a primary challenge and test the water in Iowa. But at the end of the day none of them have a chance of winning should she throw her hat in the ring.

I suspect that Hillary would go into the early primary's with commitments from 75-80% of the DNC already in her hip pocket. Those individuals each hold Super Delegate status at the National Convention. More importantly, they are the core activists from around the country. Without their assistance there is little, if any, chance another candidate would have enough momentum to win the nomination. Most especially if she pulls off a victory in both Iowa and New Hampshire. If so, the "Fat Lady" will be singing by the end of January, '16, if not earlier.

It is a completely different set of circumstances than it was in '08. In the late 3rd/early 4th quarter of 2007 Hillary seemed to have the wind at her back but she clearly did not have sufficient Super Delegate support to build a lead in the early primary (or caucus) states. You can bet that she won't make that mistake again. She will have them singing out of her hymn book much earlier this time. Even though Hillary faltered early in 08, she finished very strong and certainly had the Obama folks concerned well into May.