burkalini's Avatar
Ok gang I know I don't post in the neb board very much anymore but I had to see what everyone thinks on this one. After four games they are both 4 and 0. That I believe is the only similarity. I am a husker fan thru and thru but I really think we will get our hat handed to us next week

My Prediction

Wisc 42 Neb 14

What's yours?
Not sure we will muster 14
Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' Badgers!

lol.....sorry, couldn't lay off of that one.

There is the thought that they still might not be ready for Nebraska's speed, but then Nebraska's receivers are never ready for where the pass is thrown, too.

35-31 Wisconsin
My Badgers will win. 34 - 10

I will be in Madison for the game and loving every freakin minute of it. I might freeze my ass off, but I'll be happy partying on State Street after the game.
'Not so fast people'

38 - 35 Skers
burkalini's Avatar
'Not so fast people'

38 - 35 Skers Originally Posted by lookin4fun0

That would be great but I just don't see it happening.
I see Wisc by 17-20, but if they get the chance, I could see them pouring it on as a nice welcome to the Big 10. If Neb keeps fumbling, this could be ugly. Gameday in Madison, Saturday night? not running to the window in Vegas
I would say just about anything could happen. Wisconsin is a good team, and so far appears to have played better than Nebraska this season. But.....if the Huskers come well to start the game instead of waiting till halftime, it will be a close game, and I'd give the Huskers the edge because of the surprise factor. I see it either Nebraska winning 28-24, or Wisconsin winning 42-10. I hope it is the first, but it is college ball, which makes it hard to predict.
cpa2b's Avatar
  • cpa2b
  • 09-26-2011, 08:35 AM
Wisconsin has not lost a home game played at night for 29 consecutive games. They have also not been tested this year yet! I predict nebraska will win 21 to 17. We must play the entire game and not only the second half for that to happen!

Elena, I just returned from wisconsin last night and was there for the game saturday..... I hope you have tickets now for the game because my relatives in madison say there is a snowball chance in hell of wisconsin fans giving up their tickets to anyone wearing black! Tickets for this weeks game were going for $1,200 and up when i was there yesterday.
Yoyoyo, yep......the game is Saturday and its a night game.


I have tickets, thank god for the connections I have with the Univ.

I honestly don't see the huskers winning this game. My Badgers may not have been tested, but they aren't a powderpuff team. They like to come out swinging unlike the huskers. My Badgers will give them a run for their money.

It'll be an interesting time in MadTown.
I'm heading up with a few buddies for the game too (leaving Thursday AM). Never been to Madison but should be a great time.

I'm "hoping" the husker D has been saving a lot for this game but that's my only hope. Our D has looked really soft.

Will be wearing black for sure though, hope to see a lot of it.

Let me know if you need any recommendations on anything. I'm up there a lot. I will say, head to State Street for any drinking. Fun bars and tons of different beers. Lots of hot lil college girls to look at too.
Where's the Annex? Side Tracks band is playing up there.

Thanks Elena if you know, thanks anyway if you don't.
Its down by the campus on Regent Street. I could give you directions, but I don't know where you're staying. So, here's a google map to help you out.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
I live in Nebraska and I am sorry to say.... Winning on the road at night on national television against a ranked team is not Nebraska's strong suit to say the least. Throw in that they are playing a team ranked higher than them and in the top 10 in the same conference, oh this is going to be ugly. I can not remember when but I think it was the 90's last time I saw it.