Making America Even Greater

LexusLover's Avatar
The Second Amendment in action ....

.... 4:00 PM .... in broad daylight.

Shootout between customer, robber at north Harris County gas station leaves 1 dead, 1 hurt
Robber Dead! And the list keeps growing ....

Excellent comment from the above article links/comments:

That's at LEAST five dead robbers in the past week in the Houston area. Thinning the herd like this will eventually lead to a reduction in armed robberies, home invasions, carjackings and the like as the numbers committing such crimes decrease.....
While traveling home I got a message that the DEAD ONE had just robbed the convenience/gas store and was trying to steal the HERO's vehicle ... the DEAD ONE should have known better than to try to steal a jeep from its owner!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 07:42 AM
The assaulted customer suffered 4 gunshot wounds and is reportedly hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

Gun shot wounds are very serious injuries - best avoided if at all possible.

Anyone who chooses to carry should be very well versed in the law of their State regarding self-defense - it is a significant responsibility.

GSW's are injuries that can last a lifetime.

I have seen too many that thought it was like the movies or TV - and found out differently the hard way.
HoeHummer's Avatar
The assaulted customer suffered 4 gunshot wounds and is reportedly hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

Gun shot wounds are very serious injuries - best avoided if at all possible.

Anyone who chooses to carry should be very well versed in the law of their State regarding self-defense - it is a significant responsibility.

GSW's are injuries that can last a lifetime.

I have seen too many that thought it was like the movies or TV - and found out differently the hard way. Originally Posted by oeb11

Important safety’s information, courtesy of oebsy.

In other words: do try not to let the bullet hits yous, pardners.

Yippie ky yi ayyy! You’re in the Wild Wild West now! That’s what I appreciates about the US,eh!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The assaulted customer suffered 4 gunshot wounds and is reportedly hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

Gun shot wounds are very serious injuries - best avoided if at all possible.

Anyone who chooses to carry should be very well versed in the law of their State regarding self-defense - it is a significant responsibility.

GSW's are injuries that can last a lifetime.

I have seen too many that thought it was like the movies or TV - and found out differently the hard way. Originally Posted by oeb11
Well said OEB.
LexusLover's Avatar
The assaulted customer suffered 4 gunshot wounds and is reportedly hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

Gun shot wounds are very serious injuries - best avoided if at all possible.

Anyone who chooses to carry should be very well versed in the law of their State regarding self-defense - it is a significant responsibility.

GSW's are injuries that can last a lifetime.

I have seen too many that thought it was like the movies or TV - and found out differently the hard way. Originally Posted by oeb11
With all due respect ... what's your point?

I've never been a fan of "concealed carry" standards of training and licensing. At this point we don't even know if the victim was "licensed" to carry the weapon. In Texas one is not required to be so any more ... in fact the "saddle bag" law in Texas has been in existence for my lifetime and before and only applied to handguns ... which is one reason long barreled weapons have been seen in racks through the rear window behind and above the seat.

There are parts of this country controlled by Loons who are trying on a local level to discard the 2nd amendment rights and create "gun free" zones for the "good guys"!

This "good guy" stopped a robber from escaping and from stealing his vehicle for the get away. I am familiar with the store and the area ... stomping grounds. That corpse could have repeated that aggravated assault and attempted murder if he had not been stopped. He went to the location with a firearm, which means he would use it and he did.

He deserved being killed regardless of how. And the victim saved a bunch of taxpayer money by winning that skirmish. Hopefully a legitimate fund will begin.

I can only wish that other shit-heads like him will take heed and do their mischief away from the Houston metro area ..... Austin? .....
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 10:59 AM
SR- thank You, Sir.

LL - I have seen too many "cowboys" who think gunfire is like the movies.

I own weapons and support the second Amendment.

I shed no tears over the death of an armed robber.

The Point - there are consequences for engaging in gunplay - and those may include death. And there are consequences for law-abiding citizens when gunfire goes wrong - if One misses a legitimate target and kill an innocent bystander with an errant bullet - One may be charged and tried for manslaughter.

Being shot is another consequence - a the "Good guy" found out the hard way - and i pray for his recovery.

Life is not Charles Bronson's "Death Wish " vigilante movie. A CHL prepares one for very little in deadly force. Better to take extensive training and be as safe as possible with One's weapon.

Or, One is more likely to wind up in the ER, or morgue, or prison.
You have read my posts - I am qualified - seen more GSW's than most any cop will ever in a career.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL - I have seen too many "cowboys" who think gunfire is like the movies.

You have read my posts - I am qualified - seen more GSW's than most any cop will ever in a career. Originally Posted by oeb11
Backing in .... I've seen enough of them (without counting) to KNOW that it's not like the TV series portrayal and also know that any cop who discharged their firearm as many times as the TV heroes would be sitting at a desk for the rest of the year writing reports, appearing before grand juries, and just "riding a chair" until "the dust settled" after just ONE EPISODE on TV.

And just to clear the air .... most chest-beating on here based on military experience are not prepared for a shoot out in the parking lot of a crowded convenience store at an unusually busy major intersection .... often frequented BTW with Harris County SO, Pct 4, and DPS units ..... just to emphasize the lunacy of the dead outlaw.

BTW: It's probably not "manslaughter" ... unless a benevolent DA's Office .... with appropriate instructions to a grand jury. It would be murder, if booked properly according to the law. A straight murder charge doesn't require an intent to kill the person like capital murder or an intent to cause serious bodily harm to the person actually hit ... it only requires the intent to do the act that resulted in the death of the person hit ... i.e. pull the trigger of the firearm that discharged the round that struck them. Don't rely on "firearm-instructor-law"!

Firing in self-defense, defense of others, and/or to stop a felony and/or stop a fleeing felon may be balancing considerations, but at the moment we don't know the FACTS ... I've already heard 3 different accounts. That is normal!

I don't read posts on here to determine persons' qualifications for anything ... with all due respect. I know mine, but also know my limitations.
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 01:56 PM
Not to criticize you personally - and we all should know our limitations.

i suspect you and i are on the same basic page.

Deadly force is just that - Deadly - and not to be taken lightly.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
With all due respect ... what's your point? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've often asked myself that about oeb11. Without the respect part. He blabbers on without even a hint of humor. That MIGHT give his posts some worth.

Then he sucks up trying to identify with you? Little, little girl.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... without even a hint of humor. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Do you have a sense of humor? I suspect by the time all the FACTS wash out of this tragedy identified in the OP there will be some strands of humor, although many won't perceive them as such.

Shakespeare was a craftsman at lacing his tragedies with humor. There is no ugliness without beauty, and the reverse is true. All relative concepts.
HoeHummer's Avatar
I've often asked myself that about oeb11. Without the respect part. He blabbers on without even a hint of humor. That MIGHT give his posts some worth.

Then he sucks up trying to identify with you? Little, little girl. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Both of them, eh?
LexusLover's Avatar
Both of them, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
No, the crook is DEAD! BTW:

How's that Thong Removal class going?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Do you have a sense of humor? I suspect by the time all the FACTS wash out of this tragedy identified in the OP there will be some strands of humor, although many won't perceive them as such.

Shakespeare was a craftsman at lacing his tragedies with humor. There is no ugliness without beauty, and the reverse is true. All relative concepts. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have no doubt there will be something to ridicule in the end. I have been noted on this board for my sense of humor. Keep us updated on this story that you highlight as an example of making America even greater.

I can tell you right now that the Grim Reaper holding up gun control legislation, along with a pile more that the majority of America sees would make the country greater, is pretty fuckin' ridiculous.

In a picture:

Without the respect part.


without even a hint of humor. That MIGHT give his posts some worth.


Little, little girl.


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

That about sums you up.
I have no doubt there will be something to ridicule in the end. I have been noted on this board for my sense of humor. Keep us updated on this story that you highlight as an example of making America even greater.

I can tell you right now that the Grim Reaper holding up gun control legislation, along with a pile more that the majority of America sees would make the country greater, is pretty fuckin' ridiculous.

I Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
What party has been most if not ALL aligned with voter fraud....YOURS!!
This bill like you is a FRAUD!!
Gun control another empty suit...weren't laws violated in ALL gun crimes aren't (assault and murder) crimes in and of themselves .
Another empty "feel good" leftwing legislation
P.S. What is it that makes THIS country greater...