For Ms V...and the other Hoogars of Austin

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-14-2014, 05:49 PM
My favorite Nicholson diatribe...

"So what do you think? Women? Was it a MISTAKE? Or did he do it to us on PURPOSE"?!?!

I am ordering cherry pie for dessert.
tallndarkntx's Avatar
My favorite Nicholson diatribe...

"So what do you think? Women? Was it a MISTAKE? Or did he do it to us on PURPOSE"?!?!

I am ordering cherry pie for dessert. Originally Posted by Toyz
I had forgotten that scene and THAT.WAS.AWESOME!!

Yes, mistake or on purpose?! haha
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Ah well, WOMEN. Can't live with 'em, can't pickle their heads and make a nice Saturday Rueben sandwich out of them.

What can be said of this demgraphic who's particular skill it is to translate a primal urge into filthy lucre? Talk about black magic - it is the original alchemy. It may be villainous and cabalistic, but that's what makes it fun.

If you continue to be naughty I will be certain you are spewing cherry pits from your fundament with the same veracity.

I embrace my fiendish ways, but I will let Eartha Kitt speak for me.
I need some cherries.
Eraserman's Avatar
Didn't someone have a poll or something wondering if Miss V could be screwed into understandability or something like that?

Last time I saw her I understood all she said easily. Except the inarticulate noises stuff. But there was a big reason for those.

The Trisomy Affliction thing is still a classic in my book.