Orange man

Missburger's Avatar
So besides Putin

It appears Pelosi has hin too lol

Ann Coulter said it best last night on Mahrer
He has no base


Love it
Plastic Man's Avatar
dids ya come with this between stalkin low ...income minority women ta sexually ...assaults withouts wearin ...a condom?

Missburger's Avatar
dids ya come up with this while your two sexy girls from fb thst livewith you mile from orange man house watching the president fold like a jimmy running into vl in a liquor store

...sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet Originally Posted by Plastic Man
There fixed it for you
Alchemist2u's Avatar
He IS base
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Is fb a discount weave site? Whew

Missburger's Avatar
Maybe u gotta look
But don’t cave
irpatio's Avatar
I bet he goes bareback