Would you, could you, should you?

I recently talked to a provider who offered bareback fs. Needless to say, my excitement rose (pun intended!). Allowing the upper head to rule the lower head, I declined. What the....?
When you think with the big head instead of the little one, I think you know the obvious answer to that question!
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I'm sure that there would be temptation for me since I have some problems relating to condoms, but when you think about it, that's really a stupid and dangerous stunt to go BB with a provider. And vice-versa, too.
In a word....nope
The guys have chimmed in and I will agree with VK's perfect one word answer with long one.

Any provider who wanted that (unless you were to develop a relationship outside of the hobby with trust, exclusivity, understanding of risk and papers from the health dept., on both ends) is not what I would consider reputable, already has enough diseases that she doesn't mind sharing OR cares so little about herself that she is playing Russian Roulette.

Safe practices are a standard practice of risk reduction from which most of us never veer. Some people are not as educated in the fact that protection should be used on everything including toys. Nothing should ever come into contact with an anus and any other body part of anyone. This is high probablity of an instant infection.

If a friend asks this of me, knowing that I have multiple partners, it completely freaks me out. The only image that goes through my mind is that they have an uncurable disease and are happy to pass it along or are completely uneducated...neither of which I want any part of.

I am happy to say that I have only been asked this on a couple of occassions, which creeped me out. i have faith that most people are being safe...at least on my block.
Could I yes should I no would I only if me and the provider really clicked and it moved beyond the hobby relationship and she and I had paper to back it up.

I have only been bb a few times and that is with my ex gf who I was with for 3 years.

I love the excuses I have heard from ladies I have dated when this is brought up.

John: I promise you I am clean, we do not need a rubber.

Provider: Im sorry I cannot do that

John: You can trust me this once and I will pull out

Provider: all right but you cannot tell anyone and you are the only one I do bareback.


You and your provider are caught up in the moment and do not want to break the mood so she slides your member into her.

I am sure ladies have heard of other excuses from both sides about wanting to bareback.

In the hobby I might be tempted to do it but would not follow through just to risky.

BB in a hobby no/but with someone I cared about and loved than its on like donkey kong.

I know this is a serious topic and my post may seem a bit crass but that is just my humor showing.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Stop them in their tracks :

"You can trust me, I'm clean."

"Sure, but how do you know I am."
Denver seemed like all the providers offered Bbfs .... I was repulsed ... It was one of most of the guys first questions... I decided to dance instead of provide in Denver
Helicopter206's Avatar
Denver seemed like all the providers offered Bbfs .... I was repulsed ... It was one of most of the guys first questions... I decided to dance instead of provide in Denver Originally Posted by BeautifulBree

I can't dance..
I am not a provider...
I will wear the condom....

A girl that smiles is a happy girl...

so if she aint smiling, she is pissed... back away slowly... then turn and run very fast....