Need help please ....With an ad.

Need help please . Could one of the mods help me with a small problem ?? I tried to enter my ad under Provider Ad.. for this week . And no matter how many times I attached the pic I wanted to use ... it comes up blank .... help . Can someone help me ??? Can you either show me how to edit an ad??. (I tried using the icon at the bottom left didn't work ) Or can a Mod do it for me? ... My Showcase profile ad would be fine )... or can I get a helper . One who has access to my account ? And can help me with tech issues . Sorry for the questions . Thank y o u big time for any help .... Pm me if you want ... Thanks a million. . Naughty . .
Guest062716's Avatar

A couple of things:

1) Pics...... the easiest way for a lady to post a pic, that is located in their profile, to an ad is to do the following: Click on the "User CP" button, followed by the "Edit Showcase" button. At the bottom of your showcase, click on the photo you want to use. A separate webpage will open, with just that photo on it. CTL+C the hyperlink (URL) for your pic. Close your showcase and go to your ad. In the edit mode, at the top of that box, are some icons.

Click on the one that looks like this

This is the "insert image" icon. CTL+V your URL (hyperlink) of your pic, into that dialogue box. Your ad will now have the pic from your showcase posted in it.

2) Helpers: By forum guidelines, you cannot allow anyone else to access your account. You can be pointed or even banned for doing so. So, I do not recommend giving your password to anyone.

3) Mods and their function: The mods here also have responsibility for Austin. Being a mod is a lot of work. Mods do not get paid and their time is strictly voluntary. There is a TON of work that goes on behind the scenes. While Mods DO have the power to "edit" posts, there are guidelines that regulate how and what they can edit and under what circumstances. They are also required to document all edits and all edits they make are subject to review. The system records which mod made the edit. No really a mod job to help you edit your ad, however they will edit an ad that violates any of the guidelines, if that makes sense.

For the most part, the mods simply do not have the time to be able to write a lengthy and detailed answer such as this. As a former Austin and Killeen/Waco/BCS mod, I am quite familiar with how much time being a mod takes and how little time I could dedicate to anything outside of all the "emergencies" that arose, LOL.

You did absolutely the right thing in posting your question here.

I hope this answer is helpful to you, and to any of the other ladies that may have had the same question.


Thank you Old Sarge . Yikes . I hope I can do all those things you said in the first half of your message ...... I'm good at doing stuff on other sites : Bp...and some more out there .... but Eccie - is harder than Chinese Math !!!! Good thing I like hard things !!!! wink. Sorry . . . Couldn't resist. Ha ha . And I'm really not dumb - I swear. . & . I'm a college graduate. . Ok . Will work on it tomorrow . Thank you Sarge for the help . Xoxoxo Naughty .