Making the P411 plunge

After sending three lovely ladies "to remain nameless" my screening info which contained the names and numbers of three other lovely ladies "to remain nameless" with little or no response I have decided to grow up and get a P411 id.

Not sure where the issue is with the screening process if the new girl is too busy to screen or if the old screened girl is not returning the calls for screening. Just a little frustrating when you read that most of the girls are hurting financially and I got money burning a whole in pocket.

I hope this is the golden key to all of my wet dreams
It makes life alot easier. I can assure you of that.
  • T-Can
  • 03-05-2010, 11:40 AM
I got a provider invite a couple weeks ago so I joined and it has worked well for me so far. Thanks again Tatiana!
I'm not on P411, sometimes regret that I'm not but will likely not subscribe. There's just something about having my info "out there" that makes me uneasy. Perhaps its just that little leftover 70's piece of me that whispers "don't trust "The Man" that makes it difficult for me but I try SO hard to not have a lot of personal info floating around on the internet. I think my paranoia conflicts with my lust but I'll let those two portions of my psyche fight it out and may the best of my personalities prevail!

Little Timmy
Sensei...Asian Warrior!
Yo' Daddy!
Yo' Momma!
It is worth every dime ,just in the hassles it saves you in getting screened.
I don't leave home without it.
RealBeer285's Avatar
P411 makes the screening process SO much easier and faster. These girls are exposing themselves to a lot of risk and they need a level of comfort that you are not likely to be trouble. When all you have is some previous provider's phone numbers, they have to try to get ahold of them and the girls would have to remember you, a lot of work.

When you signup, you do have to give them a CC number, your name, place of employment and the main number there. They will call and discretely ask to be connected to you. Once this is done, they charge your card, then they distroy all identifying info on you. They and their servers are based in Ontrario and are not affected by our laws here.

Once you are on p411, contact the girls that you have already seen and see if they will send you OKs. Once you have a few of those on your account, screening is a breeze.
pjpenner's Avatar
I own a company that does screening for providers. Your opening post brings to mind two facts I've learned in providing this service:
  1. Some providers are not reference friendly.
  2. We, as clients, judge the quality and professionalism of a provider by her long list of excellent reviews; the providers judge the quality and professionalism of clients, in part, on whether or not they are verified through one of the major verification services like Date-Check, Preferred 411 or Room Service 2000.
Becoming verified through one of the major verification services provides one of the highest and quickest "return on investment" in the hobby for a gent.
GinaXXX's Avatar
When you signup, you do have to give them a CC number, your name, place of employment and the main number there.
Actually, if you are an established member of the community with two solid provider references, you need not give us ANY private information. Not to mention there is a free 6 month trial if you are a new application with two refs!

Also, we have many anonymous payments options... you can pay with cc if you wish, but it's not the only way. Money order, Paypal, Western Union are some of the other options.

steverino50's Avatar
Actually, if you are an established member of the community with two solid provider references, you need not give us ANY private information. Not to mention there is a free 6 month trial if you are a new application with two refs! Originally Posted by GinaXXX
I signed on this way. Gina runs a tight ship. Handles the business end very professionally.
i made the plunge also : ) welcome to the family!!!
Sweetie MHO.... one of the best things I have.
Thanks Gina ...
I signed on this way. Gina runs a tight ship. Handles the business end very professionally. Originally Posted by steverino50 that she really takes an active part in making sure the business is run well and benefits both providers and hobbyists.

It has been my observation that there are even premium access members of this board who will never be permitted to join P411. That is one safeguard that seems to protect not only providers but actually helps us all by linking bad actors with their past deeds.

While nothing is foolproof, Gina does look out for all of us and really wants to know when there are potential problems. You can join and see her frequent warnings and requests to report bad behavior all the way from giving out your P411 number to fake pics, fake reviews, bad reviews and other stuff that ruins both sides of the hobby experience.

Not enough is said about her diligence and contributions to our hobby.

If the newest girls seeking recognition were informed of P411 before they had run into some of the "gamers" of new talent, they might avoid some severe or even career-ending mistakes.
Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Actually, if you are an established member of the community with two solid provider references, you need not give us ANY private information. Not to mention there is a free 6 month trial if you are a new application with two refs!
Ditto for me on how I joined.I did not have to divulge any personal info.
Gina was very helpful-thanks
ForumPoster's Avatar
Some providers are not reference friendly. Originally Posted by pjpenner

This part ALWAYS puzzles me. When I meet a new client, after doing screening, verifying and greeting, i always say that if he needs my references in future he is welcome. Most of the time they look at me as if I just said something in Russian and not English LOL

"you really won't mind?" is the standard reply.

ForeverYoung's Avatar
In my "newbie" opinion, 411 has been a great investment. Many of the long term hobbyists and providers on different boards seem to know Gina of 411 and have a lot of respect for her credibility.

I feel safer with 411 providers and don't plan to book with anyone not a 411 client. It could be false security, but I really don't think so.

Just my opinion!