Senator Josh Hawley Calls Nashville Shooting a Religious Hate Crime. (video)

An unhappy, leftist, Democrat transgender goes into a Christian school and kills students and staff. This is an obvious hate crime against Christians. Some on this forum have attempted to blame law-abiding Rednecks who legally own semi automatics. Good luck with that.
matchingmole's Avatar
That chickenshit Hawley is still the biggest douchebag in congress
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
never fear! Garland is here ... to do nothing.

AG Merrick Garland Deflects on Whether Nashville Shooting Will Be Investigated as Hate Crime

In what should be a shock to nobody, a member of the Biden administration has given a weak response to Republican members asking that real, concrete action be taken. As Katie covered earlier, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) had called for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the shooting at the Covenant School, a private Christian school in Nashville as a hate crime, given that the suspect "targeted" the school. Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) also saw such a need, as evidenced by his questioning of Attorney General Merrick Garland during a Tuesday Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing.

"I realize that the shooter is dead, but the shooter could have had collaborators," Kennedy pointed out before asking "do you plan on opening a hate crime investigation for the targeting of Christians."
Garland's response, which amounted to something of a non-answer, pointed to how "the FBI and ATF are both on the scene working with local police" and pointed to a lack of motive according to the local police chief. He then sought to assure that "we are certainly working full-time to try and determine what the motive is, and of course motive determines whether it is a hate crime or not."

In addition to the shooter having "targeted" the school, the shooter had a manifesto.

A more complete response on hate crimes came, sort of, when Garland was being pressed by Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN). A Fox News article addressing the exchanges between Garland and the Republican senators, highlighted how an investigation could be possible. "A motive that is based on a religion on the political ideology of the victims is a hate crime," Garland told Hagerty.

Speaking to CNN's Manu Raju on Tuesday evening, Sen. Hawley repeated his call for an investigation.

Raju's tweet also included a clip of President Joe Biden once more joking about the incident, as he himself admitted he was doing. Biden addressed the shooting on Monday at a women's summit, though not before joking about his love for ice cream, claiming that was why he came to the event.

Hawley retweeted the video clip in question at least twice on Tuesday morning, saying "What a disgrace" about Biden's remarks and also reminding that "There’s nothing remotely funny about hate crimes."

Garland, like other members of this administration, has been criticized for a slow or even lack of a proper reaction to crucial matters. This is especially when it comes to Garland having not acted urgently enough when conservative Supreme Court justices faced illegal protests outside of their homes after someone leaked the draft opinion of the Dobbs v. Jackson case last May, showing that the Court looked to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Audrey Hale according to source.

Still wanna blame Republican Rednecks?
One of the victims was black. Probably a Christian nonetheless. Deranged Trannies kill black Christians too.

In addition to the shooter having "targeted" the school, the shooter had a manifesto. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
depending on the preferred pronoun, it could be a theyifesto
texassapper's Avatar
Norm MacDonald was a prophet.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
depending on the preferred pronoun, it could be a theyifesto Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

it's new pronouns are IT/BE/DEAD
Opinion of Hawley by those in Missouri are pretty evenly split. He likely has Presidential aspirations. To me, he seems to be a hybrid of Trump DNA intermingled with Carlson DNA...a big mouth that ponders to his base without conscience. I suspect his fortunes will largely depend on Ex-President Trump's.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
In the rural areas and suburbs of Missouri, Hawley is very well regarded. He only runs into problems in the major cities. Check the election results.
Opinion of Hawley by those in Missouri are pretty evenly split. He likely has Presidential aspirations. To me, he seems to be a hybrid of Trump DNA intermingled with Carlson DNA...a big mouth that ponders to his base without conscience. I suspect his fortunes will largely depend on Ex-President Trump's. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Reckon that's a rather accurate description, mate.

#### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
As for the OP; if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden Jokes in Response to Christians Being Slaughtered

Speaking to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Tuesday afternoon, President Joe Biden was asked about Republican Senator Josh Hawley's demands the Department of Justice open a hate crime investigation into the slaughter of six Christians at Covenant Church in Nashville Monday.

Biden responded with a joke.

During an event at the White House in the immediate aftermath of the massacre, Biden responded in bizarre fashion with comments about ice cream.

On Tuesday afternoon, Hawley wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkis asking for a full investigation and ample resources to get to the bottom of the attack. Local police have a manifesto from the killer, who was trans, but have not released it.


"In the rural areas and suburbs of Missouri, Hawley is very well regarded. He only runs into problems in the major cities. Check the election results."

That is likely true especially in the "Bible belt" of southwest Missouri. The same demographics likely applied to Missourian's favorable view of Jim and Tammy Baker back in the 80's and 90's, but we all know how that ended.

Thump Bibles, or Thump Trump...either way, one will get some votes from the rural areas and Josh purposely plays to that niche. I think his insincerity will eventually catch up with him in Missouri at least (he's not that good an actor), but if he gets a national position, then less who knows. Hopefully all NO's by those who know....
matchingmole's Avatar
One of the victims was black. Probably a Christian nonetheless. Deranged Trannies kill black Christians too.

Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie